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  1. I'm confused! Wouldn't it mean those countries should stop millions of daily fires of wood burning to cook, when at least some sources of electricity, are made with solar, wind, hydro, and thermal power? I mean is it right to ask others to comply, when that country seems out side of the definition of climate change?
  2. Who will bet me? I bet the PM will argue his 8 year constitutional term did not start until after he was voted in. Not when the coup started. Furthermore he will possibly argue that the coup happened before the current constitution of Thailand was written and approved. Therefore supporting his time started after the constitution, and the election, appointing him as PM officially starting then. Anyone else see that coming?
  3. Yes, I seem to have double tapped the "R". Good catch.
  4. This sounds eerily similar to the night club fire that happened in the USA where the 80s band Great White was head lining. They too had one exit, and the noise reduction foam also was not fire resistant. Actually, just like this tragey, the foam accelerated the fire.
  5. That seems about right. The Red Bull guy will never serve a day, and his money has allowed him a great life wherever he is. Being a Thai he probably made merit in his way, and doesn't even have a guilty conscience.
  6. It didn't work for Jeffrey Epstein! The theatrics with the glove, that actually shrunk from the blood and time, coupled with OJ not taking his meds allowed his hands to swell to not fit. So, if the glove dont fit, was enough to make doubt, and thats why he walked from criminal court. In the civil court, and public opinion everyone knows he was guilty
  7. Thais dont know or care about, "Typhoid Marry." As it would seem this is a similar case.
  8. Just terrible. Good man may he rest in peace. It can happen in any country it would seem!
  9. Seriously, they eat rat and they love it.
  10. 1rst class visa on soi 6 inside the Queen Victoria hotel
  11. I thought rat, or rodent, is a Thai staple in their diet. I see you tube videos, and have seen them in person prepare and eat rat. They could care less if its a vector animal. They could care less that COVID is said to come from eating bats, and a rat is the same as a bat without wings.
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