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Everything posted by dirtybirty

  1. Amazes me most western woman are all for equal rights .far play for that however when they physically attack a man and the man responds with slap punch whatever they soon start crying weaker sex ect son non nar ya silly cow
  2. Samui is now absolutely full of the same types weather Russian Ukrainian brit Aussie Israeli ext ect . Doesn't help that the bib here or on the other islands are the most corrupt going. Was told years ago (15 +) buy Aussie and pommie consulates ( embassy officials) that bophut police station the most corrupt they have to deal within thailand. Wake up old samui expats (decent ones anyway) . This place is going same way as phuket.
  3. Say again in comprehensible english
  4. Easy sign no Russians or Israelis allowed
  5. Normal behaviour in thailand. This is why idiots don't understand waiter or waitress. Get very upset or violent about these things as they have to pay for it. Either out of their individual wages or combined staff tips.yes very wrong but tit.
  6. Exactly that's why Jesus wasn't born in Thailand 1 Get finding a virgin of baby producing age and 2 the most impossible 3 wise men lol
  7. Problem is the punishments . The Thais Will maybe get fined 500 baht ,good old wai of ya go . Foreigner who may have lived here for years have family here business ect . Lesser offence but zeros on fine and visa revoked , equals life gone very wrong . But our lovely hosts can just do it all again.
  8. Again and again it's down to the uneducated locals who don't neuter castrate the animals . Cute for a whi!e then start to cost ya money vet bills ect out ya go. To compound the situation idiot farangs who leave their common sense in the departing airport but keep their western sensamalties regarding animal welfare and feed the strays. Wake up there are no human rights in los let alone animal
  9. All the best fella
  10. Ha ha sand boxer it went down hill when the likes as your name suggests sand macaroons were allowed in but paid big £££££ ps commissioned in late 80s . As you were private pile.
  11. Not being derogatory to yourself, but come on man the vast majority of Thai people are completely unaware of any dangers or outcomes .. It's Buddha's way. Keep em stupid and uneducated, they behave and believe the masters simple. It's us pesky educated farangs that's cause these proplems. Safety first my arse as an ex commercial pilot did you ever fly for a Thai owned airline.. .money comes first people's lives 2nd. Happens all over the world at least here we know the score. In western countries same happens apart from its behind closed doors and more 0000 involved Boeing door bolts ect ect
  12. Agree it's all relative. Price to earnings. E.g. A Thai earning Thai min wage could never afford to live ( even go on holiday) In for example the uk. However a UK citizen could lead a comfortable life in Thailand on UK min wage , and can yes afford to come on holiday here
  13. Samui has well and truly had it. All the infrastructure is in need of total repair. Electric ,water but more importantly sewage. Where do you think all the septic tank trucks empty it all . Any idiot go take a look down Lipa noi by the back roads to certain ferry company and see the land waste oops sorry incinerator plant
  14. Lived on samui 25years place is now well and truly %&'k%d to much greed from locals ( who soon forgot about covid when expats kept them afloat) and corrupt officials from foreigners with money to !aunder.only getting worse with our lovely russian\ukrainan friends , not forgetting our poor persecuted Israeli ( from ww2 who now doing to the Palestinians that Hitler did to them) corrupt police ext at home from home for these basically crimal types . Ps these guys make the old school English criminals look like school girls
  15. Use ferries from samui to mainland all the time always stay on the top deck . Safety first my butt hole all about the $$$$$$
  16. He is being honest from my experience of government hospitals here. If ya can get back to UK and can still access nhs ( or spend the time back home to 're qualify for nhs) do it . Proper job done by people who care and not looking at you as a cash flow, obviously you've been in los for a long time so should understand this is a 2.5 world country (being polite and not saying 3rd world) esp government hospitals and esp esp how Farang treated in then ( my personal experiences). Or pay stupid money to the private hospitals to do it with most prop the same surgeon who would do it in the dragconion government hospitals. No different in any agency here you pay for promotion. Not on skill and sadly this applies to the medical profession
  17. Be legal to drive full stop ie appropriate license esp Thai 1" helps
  18. Jesus a tradie would leave his tools of the trade outside
  19. Reminds me of a Grace Jones song "slave to the rhythm "
  20. Brave guy. However I Get a funny feeling of "dead man walking"
  21. Exactly right you give it to them for free and by the way it also goes to the private hospitals. See how much the gov hospitals charge let alone, the private, for a pint esp westerners
  22. because the westerners are allowed free thinking and would soon see what a shòwer of poo thailand really is. 3rd world country dressed in western clothes
  23. thank you as I got caught out by the 90 day stamp on work permit 20 years ago caused major proplems . they change it about 15 years ago that your work permit ( using multiple entry visa) was valid for 1 year no 90 ďay stamp required for your work permit. I had to cancel old work permit 6 years ago due to nasty rta. This is my 1st work permit since so just wanted to for my I's and cross my t's . thank you
  24. on non o marrige multi entry with work permit. just done 1st border bounce with it
  25. hi I remember years ago that after you did a 90 day border bounce. Your work permit had to be sent back to Labour ministry to be stamped to match your latest date stamp in passport. it was then changed that this didnt happen and work permit valid for a year no need to restamp every 90 days. is this still the case
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