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Posts posted by overt2016

  1. 7 hours ago, Oldie said:

    I am afraid that people started already their own phases. Yesterday at around 8 in the evening at the Tree Town area in Soi Buakhao here in Pattaya - very many hookers standing around without masks (many ladymen), many other people without masks, people with beer bottles sitting around and walking around with their bottles in the hand, people sitting close together in restaurants, etc. At the beginning of the crises I had a bad feeling running around without a mask. Yesterday there I felt the first time stupid to walk around with a mask. 


    And your point is?

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/22/2020 at 1:09 PM, Enzian said:

    It's totally a judgement call, since no one can know what will eventually happen. If they open too soon and the contagion takes off anew then they could be in deeper doo-doo. Obviously this government has a lot of power to quiet dissent, and they are probably still in the range where that is doable.

    What will eventually happen is the Earth will be hit by a cloud of meteorites and then we won't have to worry!

  3. 6 hours ago, Gee Ku said:

    Smedly, the definition of "monkey" you seek is: fair-skin Ned, fair or black hairs on chest, arms, legs and groin, and eyes ranting from light brown to blue (not black). The standard height is 180cm but weighs less than a gorilla. They growl and grunt differently so could not understand one another outside the group. But one thing in common is that they have vile tempers and atrocious manners.

    Sounds like my wife!

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, johng said:

    In the interview/video  one of the accused says that after a superior officer was called...everything turned out to just be another "misunderstanding"    but that the accusing officer (allegedly) said

    "I'm police, I can find a reason to arrest you whenever I want"

    I already commented on another thread in regards to the police big boss wanting to "clean up Thailand". 

    Well here one of his own he can sweep out.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Ranshoko said:

    Yet another piece of verbal diarrhea which can be taken with pinch of salt.  They're in the deep and smelly. It's time for them to finally realise Farang Expats contribute a significant amount of income to many Thai's. However, they'll soon forget when Covid blows over. 

    I take care of my Thai son as his family neglects him " the farang will take care of him"

    lucky for him he has been well educated and does not believe in Thai clap trap!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think such an app is a good idea. 

    Something has to be done to prevent the spread of the virus. The question is what.

    Should lots of places continue to be closed? Should the curfew continue? Or what is the best way forward from here?

    Such app could be a tremendous help to track people's location. And if a confirmed Covid case was at the same location at the same time then details can be, and probably should be, checked.

    Can such an app be misused? Sure.

    But please look at all the other apps which you have now on your phone, and which came preinstalled on your phone.

    As far I know every Android phone come preinstalled with this little app and you can check for every minute of the last years where you have been. Try it!


    And then think about if you trust Google to keep that data secret...


    And for those who think: You can switch that off.

    Are you sure? What are you actually switching off? The GPS sensor? Or are you just not able to see your location information anymore? And does that mean if you don't see it Google can't see it? Think again.



    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, baansgr said:

    UK can get whatever they want already through 5 eyes and GCHQ etc..having an app on your phone that is actually beneficial to not only yourself but the whole country seems a good idea, it's worked in Australia. I take it you don't have Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, any shopping apps or even a mobile or land line or email address if you are that worried about MI5 spying on you...

    But I don't have a mobile phone!

  8. On 5/9/2020 at 8:09 AM, Venom said:

    Another 54 deaths in Thailand is very possible if there's a second wave! Once the economy is completely destroyed there could be 70 million of Thailand's poor and homeless people being herded like cattle into the food and free handout lines. Nobody knows for certain. 

    I was going to, but 70 million of Thailand's snookered me!

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