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Posts posted by Brigand

  1. Quote

    “The move to disburse gift money from the Bt2.7 billion budget to civil servants who have been working to fight Covid-19 was proposed by the Office of the Civil Service Commission,” she said.

    Unreal. Civil servants are one of the main reasons you don't have any money because they leach so much out of the taxpayer with all sorts of excessive perks/pay rises/creative accounting etc. and get away with it just so as to keep them in line. Really is a slap-in-the-face to your average Thai that they just said to everyone about the government not having any money so you can forget the handouts after a month. How tone deaf can you be to announce this the next day? 

  2. Neither Trump nor Biden are particularly good candidates and I'm sure Wall Street and Silicon Valley were thinking anyone but Sanders. Biden was a good Vice President (like Pence) and that entails saying little whilst standing in the background and clapping at the right moment but, at 78, and Trump is knocking-on too, they are both getting a bit old and crusty. Biden barely even knows where he is or what he's doing and Trump isn't exactly swelling with emotional intelligence. Surely between both parties they can do better than this.

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    • Confused 1
  3. Yet more surveillance being slipped in under the cuddly guise of a mobile app for "security" reasons. People sit there using Google search on Chrome, Android, gmail, smart speakers in your front room they ask questions of and on and on ... go to Wiki and have a look at Google products, the list is endless. I stopped a while back using any of Google's products apart from Youtube (without signing in). I don't have a smart phone (although they can still ping it from a tower, I guess) just an old fashioned talk and text one and I use protonmail and duckduckgo for internet browsing in Firefox. Old saying, "If you can appease a man's conscience, then you can take away his freedom." That's what is slowly happening everywhere. It's very hard not to be online in some capacity but you can certainly lower your electronic/digital footprint.   

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  4. It is up to the prosecution in all crimes to come up with the evidence to make it happen. It doesn't matter what you personally think ... it's about evidence and testimony on it's own is not enough, as that by it's very nature implies some degree of doubt. It's not about if you think someone is guilty, it's about what you can prove or sway a panel of judges or a jury into a decision. Many have been convicted on shaky stuff that didn't deserve to be and many that are guilty have walked. You need to be very careful of dishing out judgement as even the wisest people cannot see all ends.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    In this case he was the Devil's right hand man!

    You and Samran may be correct on this one (even if the panel of judges doesn't think so) but I was just trying to point out that testimony isn't enough on it's own and if it is, then that has serious future implications for many an average Joe when it comes to a trial for something historic that won't attract media attention and just be dealt with and that's that. It is easy to be part of a lynch mob but it is hard to see that something has reasonable doubt (even if this one is not one of the best examples). All it takes now is for you to be accused of some minor indiscretion and you are the next target of the anti-sexual deviant head-on-a-stake brigade ... can happen to anyone now. I just hope that it doesn't just become the norm. What are your views on Salmond being acquitted and it's now forgotten/bushed under the carpet because of lack of evidence and the accusers are "devastated" etc.?

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  6. I'd say South Korea/Singapore got it right ... as in aggressive mass testing very quick with affirmative action where needed. Both these countries seem to have dodged the bullet through this fairly well. However, I think many hundreds of thousands could well have had it already and just had no symptoms or mild ones and barely even noticed it. I reckon the virus was doing the rounds long before everyone entered panic mode in January ... perhaps since early November even.

    Also, here in Thailand, the virus has spread but nothing like some other places. Yes, testing has been lamentable but considering the hopeless reaction the authorities here managed until like a week ago, there should be people falling in the streets on a massive scale and the numbers should be sky-high in hospitals (but hasn't happened). This leads me to believe there is some truth in the heat/humidity theory that the virus thrives less well is such places. Doesn't mean you can't get it but it must be harder otherwise it should be a total fc$k-up here ... way more than it is or they could hide.

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