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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Zelensky isn't going to like the answer.
  2. He didn't screw up the debate. What more could have been expected. He is screwing up his response to the after math of it.
  3. Not sure why that is the case. I sold off my tack collection to donate.
  4. Just chop off the rubble and wasteland and let Putin have it. The Ukraine is a pile of radioactive bombed out shells. We don't want to have to rebuild it, Ukraine isn't some historically great ally that offers us anything strategic. We can't just keep arming a stalemate.
  5. I hope he can handle the pressure with such a rigorous travel schedule and preparing his speeches.
  6. I wasn't talking to you now was I?
  7. I wonder if Columbia will be around in twenty years.
  8. when is the last time you were ever in the USA? His term must have been spectacular for the people of Pattaya. Meanwhile surveys show everybody here is unhappier than they have ever been and everybody has so much money nobody can afford anything.
  9. not even you believe your kwn malarky when it comes to travel and relentless prep for debate. He had a really easy schedule. H said he was starting at 11 am and taking naps. This is just dishonest..
  10. Normally I don't point out bad grammar or spelling errors. However could you teach yourself how to spell racist correctly if you insist on using the word so often?
  11. What I mean is that typically you wouldn't get prison for a first offense on that charge. Also it would have never came up if it wasn't somebody famous. People lie on gun forms everyday especially now that pot is legal in certain states but not federally. Basically if you smoke pot and hunt you are a potential felon now. I am no Hunter Biden fan but this is just small peanuts. As I said it will count as felony points when they consider his sentencing for the tax charges. That seems about right to me.
  12. Study finds that you see lots of Forida plates up north in the summer and loads of Minnesota plates down south in the winter. Very few places in the USA have good year round climates. Hawaii is one if them and parts of California. Have fun in Buffalo when you get 6 feet of snow off the lake. Being on the lake would be cool in the summer but if you want to be on the Great Lakes there are a million betters places to do it than Buffalo. My summer climate retreat is an island on Lake Huron in northern Michigan in the summer.
  13. It's these these type of moronic comments that make me dislike conservatives almost as much as liberals. I guess at least it is honest.
  14. When the dems cooked the primary they made Kamala a Siamese twin of joe. It is hard to unbundle the stupid now. Of course she is a youthful, articulate, energizing, political pillar. She was picked based on merit so deserves here place on the bus. Just ask Willie Brown she was sharp as a tack when nobody was watching.
  15. He shouldnt for the BS gun charges. Nobody but him would get charged for that, it wouldn't have been investigated. His Capone moment will come on the tax charges. The gun convictions will give him felony points. They do keep score. Hopefully Joe is removed before he is convicted as that case is open and shut. If he isn't pardoned they can try to make him explain where the money came from. Although thinking about it if he is pardoned he can be subpoenaed and can't use the fifth.
  16. Anybody else beginning to think that Joe Biden has hacked into this user account?
  17. their main strength now is they arent called Biden. The rest doesn't really matter anymore.
  18. I am not sure our current admin in the USA is going to say that much about anything now.
  19. If Joe stands down it is go8ng to be the world's largest clawback. No way somebody as stupider as Kamala keeps it.
  20. I am recruiting Superman and Mighty Mouse to respond. Joe will be calling the ground game so it can't fail.
  21. I wish i could,d silence you and imprison you faster than that. See how that works?
  22. CNN is a big winner in all kf this. They get a unexpected reality injection.
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