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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Biden's will run against Trump and get his head handed to him.
  2. Ever thought o running for an elected office? I can see it.
  3. So how does Joe exploit that? Kirby has been saying he is sharp today. Give us some hope. What is the path? The dems would never reverse course right? Nit when it is politically expedient. You sound like a child.
  4. Record unemployment is simply not true. the newest numbers came out lately and unemployment is at 4.1% the highest in two years.
  5. My prediction is that it doesn't happen. They stopped talking about it now and if he gets through the NATO thing I doubt they mention it again if it isn't brought up.
  6. it Isn't a life saving procedure. Nobody gets rushed in the middle of the night to take one.
  7. Go ahead and take the time to reread it.
  8. she shiuld debate the VP slot as agreed.
  9. You are babbling nothing i said remotely correlates with anything you are saying..
  10. Low interest? Are you insane? Low interest isn't around anymore.
  11. Sorry Joe was an authoritarian and violated the oath he took at the office. So did Trump. Why do i care? Because under Biden it became a little too much like Singapore.
  12. covid bankrupted most small businesses in small towns. These towns haven't come back. The tragedy of this isn't small. Covid will be a consequence we pay for into the future. On the bright side our motel 6 is full of illegals with debit cards.
  13. i make a living in large due to the stock market. If joe looks this bad and it doesn't move it means nobody cares I or it's prefers Trump. However the top ten companies of the past few years are secular. They don't depend on the government, they have huge cash flows, they can locate anywhere, and I doubt Biden's could sit down with any of the CEO of such corporations for an intelligent conversation or name one with out a card and head shot. I would bet you dont even know who Jensen Huang js. Meanwhile unemployment is creeping up. The market likes it because it means interest rates may come down. the market depends on corporate profits and nice multiples driven by secular growth. Joe isn't driving any of that. If he steps aside we might go faster. Ai is going to need modularity nuckear power stations to produce the power to make any of this happen.
  14. How about Trump taking gender out of marriage in the new platform and saying that abortion cannot hot be banned at the federal level? I am gay so taking gender out of the social constructs of marriage makes sense. This is why i was denied my right to marry for decades. That is freedom jn all marriages whatever you believe.
  15. One bad night was obviously something i said in jest. Biden is a permanent vegetables and that's just a well understood fact.
  16. i am nit the ine on trial for killing somebody or exposed to the lawsuits that brings. You call me a rabid right singer when i am actually on the side of enforcing gun laws so more people don't needlessly die as a result of nonsense like this. Suddenly it is offensive that you prosecute gun charges? I want wvery gun crime charged as a felony every last single one.
  17. Prompter or not? Color of the gatorade? It doesn't matter what side you are on put your predictions here.
  18. Any chamber that delivers a lethal shot is a gun.there is a body to prove that.
  19. You don't seem able to discern what a gun or firearm does or what its capabilities are. You wouldn't make a good witness and would confirm everything I just said.
  20. All guns are considered loaded if you do not check it yourself. Trans take this gun it isn't loaded. Do you not check? Thats the legal liability you have as a producer. The bare minimum. it keft a corpse so i am guessing it wasn't a toy.
  21. They should have collected a hair sample to test for drugs. any positve result would mean the studio he produces for has no license to legally have a fire arm.
  22. The felon would never agree is a hypothetical. the president outright refuses after several requests is a fact. It isn't a hard test from what i have read. Stop lying to yourself we all know why Joe won't do it.
  23. You obviously need to brush up on the case before you talk to people like morons. Can you tell me what makes this a movie set gun as opposed to a gun? Baldwin was the producer and was supposed to follow protocols on movie sets that prevents this from happening. The fact that he pointed a gun directly at somebody, pulled the trigger and killed them is why he is on trial. I pointed out that he pulled the trigger because your first assertion was the gun somehow "went off" which is what Baldwin himself tried to claim. He is on tape saying he didn't pull the trigger which was how he first tried to deny culpability. He killed somebody that is why he is on trial.
  24. Nano nuclear reactors can be used. I am looking at a few companies that do this to invest in. It's basically a small nuclear generator that can be dropped in at any data center or factory to make its own grid. As far as waste goes these days it seems we should be able to launch the waste into space at some point.
  25. He pointed a loaded gun at somebody and pulled the trigger. The gun didn't simply go off as that is impossible.
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