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Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai

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Posts posted by Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai

  1. That's a line from Meet The Fockers.

    Just flush you not in the Australian outback.

    If you hot a second tank after the septic that's got only liquid, cheap pump to your t=res they thrive on it.

    Mangoes with a taste of the wife and Limes with a taste of the husband.

    Don't put on vegetables trees only for me.

    We don't waste it both grey water and septic overflow all used.


  2. Home brewing is legal. Best follow earlier link you will get delivered in 2 days. 2 good online stores ship yeast, hops and malt grains. You need know what you doing to make beer. Sensitisation very important you need star San.

    Anyone know a brewers club or group in Chiang Mai?

    Great hobby and better than buying beer.

  3. Start off with basic jars available at yok. 2 piece old jars are best but 2 expensive.

    Lazada have glass jars with 2 piece lids at good price for lots of 6 but only 500ml size.

    I used cheaper 1 piece lid jars and they ok if lids on tight and depress after boiling.

    I just done heaps pasta sauce, chutney  and soup with my tomatoes. Don't  need keep beyond 6 months.

    I brought  a few bigger jars 2 piece lids 220bht each great days but too expensive. Those will be the last ones we open, expect be ok for a year.

    It a hobby while home so much.

    Making bread and beer also kills time.

    Beer bread, sun dried tomatoes and beers also passes time nicely.

    I mean the relaxing and consuming the tools of you work.




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