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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. More to the point, how come he got bail in the first place? ok dont ask
  2. Phuket has been <deleted> about for over 20 years that I know of, building waste water treatment plants around the island that a load of B/S, There is technology available but they wont pay for it.
  3. Before covid I went there and was talking to a park ranger he said 10,000 visitors in high season,
  4. That Natch been showing her Patch, disgusting
  5. You should be in my house right the wife has got the oven on baking bread warm air is blowing through the house, I've got all the doors open fans on
  6. It wouldn't be the first time that has happened.
  7. Thats like taking coal to Newcastle, bring that here
  8. The guy next door to me has spent 3 years building a house and he has built in every corner, guess what he never built a well they relied on the city water he has now found out that it's not reliable, I honestly don't know where he can dig for a well without knocking something down, He took over an empty piece of land the well should have been the first he done,
  9. It's like the rental shops they shouldnt rent you a bike without a license, but they do, who get fined the renter not the shop
  10. Haram is an Arabic term meaning 'forbidden'. This may refer to either something sacred to which access is not allowed to the people who are not in a state of purity or who are not initiated into the sacred knowledge; or, in direct contrast, to an evil and thus "sinful action that is forbidden to be done".
  11. Public flogging for him just like in Saudi,
  12. Here in Rawai both my neighbours have no water they relied on city water, stupid, we are ok I have a really deep well and a tank,
  13. That's about right in Thailand 28 years old acting like a 13 year old, normal here
  14. They have it wrong, I can confirm Thailand is No1 The are all on the game you are not safe anywhere,
  15. Lets hope for his sake he has got a return ticket,
  16. Offering a glimmer of hope, the Southern Meteorological Centre (west coast) predicts earlier than expected rainfall. This rainfall, beginning in the second week of May, They said the other day End of May,
  17. Be careful sharing his video's or you might get a visit,
  18. If they think thats bad, wait until he leaves the country,
  19. We all know what will happen to them, that has been tried many times here in Phuket,
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