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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. I think it would also help if loads of Car and Truck drivers changed their attitude to people on Scooters and Bikes they seem to think the bigger the vehicle the more right of way they have, I do have a Fino which I only use day time, only yesterday I needed to nip out just down the road a number of times drivers just pull out of the soi, it's like they dont have to wait for a bike to pass, I should stop for them.

    Yesterday also Im coming along the main road 2 lanes wide and the so called parking lane I could see a truck parked up in front of me, he just pulled out into road without indicating were I had to pull over into the outside lane, Cheers!

    I do have a truck also I try and give way to the bike as it's more difficult for him to stop than me and I dont drive up their ass just incase they do come off

  2. 31 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    In my area virtually all the farang engage the services of an agent for their yearly visa. If there was ever an investigation into this (likely) 90% of farang would be chucked out.



    They will come for us all eventually. It's the Thai obsession with keeping their house in order. All we can do is ensure that we are squeaky clean.


    No taking the rubbish out.

    No driving the pickup with non-domestic stuff in the back.

    No teaching the local children to play chess.

    No listening to western music.

    No eating western food.

    No dissing durian.

    No bribing local officials.

    No shagging the local police chief's wife in the sugar field.

    No posting dodgy stuff on any forums.


    They are coming soon to my (your) area.


    Oh no!!!!! A tank has just stopped outside. Sweat,, sweat,,. It's ok, they have gone into the somtam shop across the road. Close call; that one!!!

    Cleaning windows

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  3. 1 hour ago, ningnong said:

    Give the guy a break.

    I read the article in Thai that the OP has a link too. He is clearly talking in reference to romance scams, Facebook groups, web dating sites etc.


    My translation of what he said: speaking for himself he never saw a Thai cheating another Thai. He has seen where foreigners have cheated Thais.


    In all fairness I have mostly only read about romance scams where Thai women get conned by Nigerians often posing as a desirable Westerner.


    We are not talking about Ponzii schemes here.


    Usually Thai's involved somewhere in the scam

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