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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. I liked this post on the MEN

    I think Roy Keane  should take over.  He can start off by head butting Pogba to put him in his place.  

    I think Roy Keane  should take over.  He can start off by head butting Pogba to put him in his place.  Or get Ole, Giggs or Stam.  Let's get a true United Legend taking over to get the fans behind the team again.

  2. 6 hours ago, impulse said:

    Does anyone know where the boat was built? 


    The news that can't be quoted or linked has an article claiming the windows were not marine glass, the ballast was blocks of concrete and there was only one waterproof door, where 4 are required.  It was also built in a machine shop, as opposed to a shipyard, and there are 1/10 the number of blueprints that would be expected for a boat of this size.


    But half an hour of Googling doesn't reveal where it was built.  Was it Thailand, China, or ???


    Edit:  Same article also says a bunch of heads will roll for approving the vessel, but I'm skeptical.  And I wonder how many more death traps just like it are still plying the tourist trade...


    Will we ever find out?

  3. 53 minutes ago, lordblackader said:

    The "underlying problem" wasn't the boat accident, it was a certain watch-loving politician who blamed the Chinese for what happened.


    Only a change of government can fix the "underlying problem." 

    Your right, we had a Chinese family staying with us at the time and they said we dont have a problem with Thai people, just your government and what they said, how it came across in Chinese language I dont know

    • Like 2
  4. This is not new in England I had a situation 25 years ago where I owned some commercial property and the tenants where up to no good and I was contacted by the CID and their instructions to me was to get rid of them easier said than done, I did consult my Solicitor and he said I cannot kick them out mainly because the police did not have a conviction that meant I had no grounds to evict them and also I would have to go through a civil court at that time they could sue me for loss of earnings and harassment 

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