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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. There will be a lot of un happy landlords especially in Phuket, shops that had sitting empty for years will now be empty again, People will not stop smoking it, it will just go under ground like before, Bring happiness to the people let them smoke it,
  2. Is anybody surprised? if there is a scam available they'll find it
  3. It's been going on for years, I think they should look into how people get military grade weapons on the streets,
  4. I do know a Thai that can speak Hindi, she has lived in India a long time now, I think she can speak Konkan the native lingo to Goa,
  5. Next month we are 6 years down the line so all is good, and the standards are still be kept too, they are about to start some maintenance outside painting which is good to see,
  6. The one job you dont want to have right now, is a policeman, especially here in Thailand, They could be brain damaged for the rest of their lives
  7. was that Al Capone said that?
  8. Why not just let them go through the boarder? then it's Malaysia's problem
  9. I could think of lots they should clamp down on, not happening
  10. I wish they would stop my wife from login in, we are on first name terms with the drivers,
  11. A man was seeing his doctor. the doctor said, "I have good news and bad news." "What's the bad news?" "Your wife has syphillis." "Jeez! What could possibly be good news." "She didn't get it from you."
  12. There is one of them pox clinics down the road from me one day I saw this fit looking Russian bird coming out of there thinking to myself WTF has she got,
  13. Anybody in their right mind doesn't go there
  14. When we bought this condo there was a clause written there even if we sold the unit within 3 years we would have to pay them 3% if they sold it, it would be 5%, After the 3 years my wife wrote to them just clarify we were clear of that clause, we have it it writing, I must admit the management and maintenance teams are good,
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