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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. You can sit there and have a joint for the next 2 hours?
  2. We own a condo in Phuket and I have to say the management are spot on, in this project at least, the other week we needed some light bulbs changing my wife contacted the office she dropped a keycard for them it was done that morning, A couple of months ago a guest blocked the toilet and it was on a Sunday morning and the office here is open 7 days a week my wife again contacted them and the maintenance guy called back he will be there in 10 minutes, how's that for service on a Sunday morning?
  3. If we have to pay tax here then what benefits do we get? None I get it,
  4. If he didn't have the 20 grand what are they going to do now to him? send him to the IDC court and fine him, why not just stick him on the plane, and black listed
  5. How would they tax all these digital nomads seems like everyone I meet recently is working on line,
  6. It's happened a few time recently It used to be get to the airport pay your 20,000 and they were good to go, now they are getting arrested and taken to the police station, so that would mean they also miss their flights?
  7. The old ones are the best,
  8. It couldn't be avoided my car was 2 cars away,
  9. I saw one today putting her shopping in the boot of her car, I got a flash as the wind blew her skirt up,
  10. It's engrained into society been happening for 23 years that I know of,
  11. Nobody is safe in Gaza,
  12. So he turned up and did what? anybody who thinks they can do a bit on the side forget it the locals will grass you up everytime
  13. There is a lot of Russians living there, escaped from Putin, I met some early this year in Phuket they reckon it's cheaper to rent and live there, food and drink cheaper than Phuket,
  14. Thats a big envelope he's got there, fill that up son we can talk later
  15. The Best gift she will ever get is our little grand daughter she idolizes her all day and everyday, she's from my daughter. Thank god for Facebook and what's app
  16. I think not many farang have stayed in them boarder areas, when they go to Sadao get their stamp and straight back out they should stick around for a few days and join in the fun, there used to be a place in Sadao it was either the Bangkok Pub or the Bangkok Bar, that place was rocking I've walked in there a few times "Farang Maa Lao"
  17. I know somebody who is a complete lazy son of a bitch and uses the agent for everything he has no intentions of going to the immigration, and he has the money so no problem there.
  18. Thats a busy stretch of road so it must have been very early morning, I live nearby there
  19. Them guys on the bikes were very lucky,
  20. If they do get released they will be going nowhere until the Mossad has de briefed them some valuable information to be had

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