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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. especially government ministers
  2. we want to believe him, but some of us have lived here a long time,
  3. he's not short of a few quid
  4. I noticed in the big makro have a big range of Indian products also I noticed lots of Indian snacks in the freezers quite tasty the ones I have had,
  5. They have Waitrose piccalilli in Tops Phuket the wife got me some last week, they always seem to have some
  6. Thailand is looking to attract Thailand eyes growth in pink economy by attracting international LGBTQ+ retirees
  7. Sheeeeesh 50,000 per month must be hell of a condo
  8. Keeping track of dodgy Farang doing boarder runs,
  9. Thailand has always been gay friendly so what's the point now?
  10. Four villas in a moo baan wouldn't be to difficult to spot something dodgy going on especially all Chinese, the maid would have seen everything,
  11. From what I have seen over the years agents don't give a FF once they have their commission and here everybody is an agent,
  12. I think some countries do require a HIV test when applying for a visa, I know in Dubai certain countries have to a test, not sure these days,
  13. It was a saying years ago back in the UK down the gay village, "Pink Pound"
  14. go down my local 7/11 early morning and see the kids buying the junk, like a load of little puddings on their way to school,
  15. It's not unusual these days to KYC your customer or tenant I see many cities across America where the local authorities require the information and background checks on tenants, I don't blame the landlord asking questions they have probably heard all the horror stories, I have hear plenty over the years here in Phuket, Some years ago a neighbour of mine had the house emptied everything they could get in a SUV they took it was almost brand new villa, The other big problem here is the sub letting you used to get Russians going around renting villas then sub letting them,
  16. His job is done now, he played a prominent role in getting Thaksin back
  17. I have used this company a few times http://www.pk-phuket-law.com/
  18. Been the same in Rawai, Phuket
  19. Good old Billy seems to have turned his life around
  20. Treated like any other prisoner? please don't insult us,
  21. pay for anything upfront in Thailand and you know what's going to happen, Nothing

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