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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. I was in a wine connection last night even the staff said to me it's slowed right down, here in Phuket
  2. I hope they keep us updated on this story catch the sick bastard soon, maybe the locals will do us all a favour
  3. Same in Phuket a couple of weeks ago also a midday flight
  4. The problem here is yes they arrested 6 on overstay so now what will happen to them get banged up in the IDC with no money to get a flight home, I would imagine the Indian government wont give a FF about them,
  5. Sad story RIP little one, I hope they catch the sick bastard who did this,
  6. Thailand seems like the epicenter of call centers
  7. My son in law is here in Thailand at the moment it's his first time here he asked me about it, the most expensive fruit in the world he showed me a place selling it in the UK I told him I can send you loads over we'll make a fortune,
  8. Im surprised to see they lasted so long in Pattalung cant be many foreigners living there
  9. Hi all. Thanks for all of the help. Ryan White has been found safe and well and is getting a flight home today, According to Bangkok Expats FB group, I bet he's gutted
  10. I liked that bit, the hotel worker went to tell them their time was up, His time was definitely up poor sod
  11. My mother used to wrap my sandwiches up in a road map do you think she was trying to tell me something? Anyway as a 16 year old apprentice I was working all over the country staying in guest houses I loved it.
  12. When I was 17 I went to Benidorm for 4 days I thought all my birthdays had come at once, maybe he is thinking the same,
  13. I think you would have to capture my dog and tie him up he might not let you in,
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