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    Korat, Issan

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  1. Be a good opportunity to bag a swag of the scum while they celebrate their "big win". We can but dream, sigh.
  2. Alright then I will rephrase my post with the intended term, destruction. Happy now?
  3. My hope is for a short ceasefire and the complete end to this nonsense via the decimation of every last jihadist in the area.
  4. Call a spade a spade. If it's racist to call out the truth then so be it. I have no problem with calling them scum.
  5. Simple solution is to cut bureaucratic waste, eliminate the DEI/ woke agenda and stop giving handouts to other countries. I haven't seen anything proposed in the way of welfare cuts apart for Illegals.
  6. You can put any spin on my statement you like but I stand by my convictions. Go see if you can find a Unicorn or two to convince.
  7. There's that word again being used as an excuse by someone with no grip on reality.
  8. Haha. Another positive result for the gene pool.
  9. Most idiotic comment I have seen to date. Struth!
  10. It could be related to aspartame. If you drink diet soda or use artificial sweeteners try not doing so and see how that goes. Worked for me.
  11. Hamas and Hezbollah have stated that their intent is to rid the world of Jew's, what do you expect Israel to do? Islam hates all infidels, you may think that your support makes you immune to that hate but remember this. Islam is not your friend.
  12. I'm kinda hoping I might wake up after a good sleep on Christmas eave. Good enough for me. Bah humbug.
  13. No mate, Musk told them to Fxsa off.
  14. Incarceration is to good for any Islamist.

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