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    Korat, Issan

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  1. Spoken like a good little Dem.
  2. It's for real and I too am a son of Buddha. He's my brother from another mother. 5555 Thais are a funny mob.
  3. This is a man who would declare that he never had a poo in his life.
  4. Another idiot statement. He has the authority and he's exercising it. Gender education in Somalia, let's stir up up some more trouble. Hay but that's not a waste of money, like they haven't enough to worry about like mining rare earth metals for EVs and wind turbines to satisfy the lovely entitled saviours of the world. I went to an attitude themed party the other week and I dressed with no pants, I did however cover my member with a whole fruit. My explanation and my ultimate admission was that I was deep in dis-pear. Go Elon
  5. Well fella, sometimes people just get what they need.
  6. Saving the planet with EVs is akin to rooting to save virginity. I getting to old to buy a new vehicle so I'm not too worried. Jesus mate you really have the Trump hate bad.
  7. Sorry, I misunderstood where you were coming from and I fully agree with you.
  8. I would discuss it with you but it hasn't affected me personally. How about this though. Under which rock have you living under for the past six months? Struth
  9. All good but Thailand needs to watch what is taught and ffs keep ridiculous ideology flags out of the classrooms. Head lice problems won't get any better so I would like to see problem addressed.
  10. Let's save the planet. Go manual you know old style. What the absolute <deleted>. Do people even know how to make fire these days?
  11. I doubt if you even qualify as anything in my opinion.
  12. Oh I'm so scared. Nah not at all. Stop the nonsense with all the phobia narratives. It doesn't scare me at all that I don't tow the woke line.
  13. What? The shirt lifter. 55 The silly bugger thinks he needs a War to help his failed leadership, he's going to have one at home if he doesn't do something soon.
  14. A bicycle rider should get double the penalty.
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