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Everything posted by sherwood

  1. Sorry mate but I have equal rights to expressing an opion and I can handle any insult (homophobe, bigot, neanderthal whatever) leveled at me. I do not hate gays, only the arguments I hear from the poor oppressed minority. Cheers fella.
  2. Don't get me started 555 So do you think I will be converted by your outrage. I just qualified my post cupcake.
  3. Maybe the powers that be can keep the criminal there for a few years.
  4. No mate you are pushing your cause. Thai people as a nation, couldn't care less about the gay population, not do I. Seriously, most people in the world have the same opinion. But, gays keep crying and people let them have their way just to try to shut them up. Bleating useless sharp stinging pains.
  5. He said, she said. Personally I rarely believe a word a Thai says to me. Same with what I see on this board.
  6. The owner of BRIC is well connected so beer should be available at the track.
  7. Thailand is chocker block with totally dumb folk. I like it. I fit right in.
  8. I don't have to much against poftrrs but about time the "pigs" at least have a plan. Let's see where this plan goes.
  9. Stop the obvious scam by the local police and the problem will disappear. Simple.
  10. No not drunk, must have been pot. Seems to be causing so many of the inherent problems in Thailand lately.
  11. I ate a <deleted> sandwich, not bad as I had more bread than filling.
  12. Yes nothing more than usual. These providers of justice need not worry about trying to bamboozle the general public. After all they are all General's, why bother. Clown show.
  13. Thailand is quickly becoming less and less appealing every day. Inadequate government, police service, public services just to name a few. If I was not living out here in the sticks, quite happily already I very much doubt I would make the decision to move here. It really is a ses pit.
  14. Another case of not my problem. Why do something that someone else can do!
  15. Giving to get something back, no not in my mind. Still, a popular concept. Joni Mitchell explained it one of her songs.
  16. Like I could give a flying, this is Thailand, get used to it. Top to bottom. Come and we will tax you, one way or an other.
  17. Struth, they sure do raise Thai boys well. This fella was ready for anything. 55
  18. It's not like an accidental shooting, it was premeditated murder and the useless piece of <deleted> should be exterminated. I don't care how old the scumbag is. His punishment should fit the crime.
  19. Ready to man the road blocks and curtail the antics of the Taxi mafia.
  20. I live here and I carry a weapon. Just need to be quicker than the other guy or gal. My ultimate goal is to never use said weapon.
  21. My welder had the same kind of meltdown. Not hopeless BUT, anyway after a period he came back. This fella lives over the road and a good bloke. Anyhow after replacing the 40 metre extension lead with a 15 metre job, things only got better. Still didn't have any eye protection, naturally. My block layer started building a small wall for my carport, on the opposite side of the slab. Never mind.
  22. Just leave the pot alone, it really doesn't hurt anyone but governments love to reduce your personal choice. If anything, curbing public use would have positive effect. Same as grog consumption. Discretion in my mind is fine. Time for a cone?
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