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Posts posted by deon

  1. Infact thai weed is still often,on Dutch coffe shop menu as is alot of hash from parts of asia on many coffee shop menu.The price in the uk is less than 10 pound a g .Nothing better than a nice bit of charas or Caramello. give me hash anyday over green .It is so refreshing for once, to read so many other sensible positive post about cannabis on here that .Its good to see that not everyone is brainwashed.When really the truth is there and clear for everyone to see .Its just the powers at be are just blind to the truth well most in power are, like here in the uk.

  2. Thailand south Muslims are sunni , iran and Hezbollah are shia.Only hamas who are sunni get funding and training from Hezbollah and islamic jihad.I can not see Hezbollah training down south its a totally different issue .Mossad on the other hand has been killing loads of irans scientist .Planting bombs here and there , this could be iran tit for tat or it could be some iranians even working for mossed as they have done in the past.

  3. Had about 9000 baht in the back pocket, which i did not know about or just forgot. took my trouses to get cleaned, and then when i went to collect them. The woman gave me the money back and said she had found it in my back pocket.

  4. Well i thought it was well cool, thanks alot for posting that prepress, hope you post up some more.Man i sure miss the place, cant wait to be back.Big bike thanks for putting yours up to .And i must say you bike sounds well nice.

    Also big bike, who is it who does the song in your first vid, with the woman singing.

    Cool vids everyone ,it would be cool if you lot kept posting your vids in this thread or a bike vid thread for that matter .As for those of us not there at the moment, it really brings it all back to you seeing it all its just like being there nearly all we need now is smelly vision so we can smell thailand to lol .Thanks again everyone fo all the vids .

  5. Its weird you say that as i know a lad whos both of his parants are from packistan ,And he is whiter than white and has bright ginger hair and his eyes are not black or brown.Its like you get some afgains and some arabs even with very fair looks. The people from pakistan and Afgaistan are classed as Asian.

  6. Thanks alot for poting the links to the shows, that poor girl all that stress just for abit of pot.Still i know even not to have it in Thailand just not worth the stress.

    I must say i dont usaly like police at all, but that Howard seems to do a fair job and treats folks well , how he dealt with that pissed up ozzie .Some coppers in the uk would of nicked you for acting like that .I do hpe that girl gets no time, it would be good to see next week show pittyi dont have bravo lol.

  7. Thanks alot for posting the link about gray man I have just watched the film about the ozzies from down under i have never heard of gray man b4 now , its a pitty there is not more blokes like them.I take my hat of to them ,they are doing a great job .

    When ever i got to thailand i go to pattaya with my other half.And as i dont drink i dont go to bars,so not all farangs go there for what some folks on here seem to think.Its jut not my cup of tea.

  8. Thanks alot everyone who has posted some pics, it sure does look alot more peaceful back then.When ever i go to bkk i often see a old bloke from canada.Who was there is the 60 70 and 80 .He said

    Thais seemed alot more chilled back then, and as someone else said ,you would not get introuble for a joint .And infact some bars had a bowl with weed in what you could use i remember him saying .

    As the other posted said, Thanks alot for posting that blog, it is a very good read.It sure does look lovely back then .And thanks for posting the link to the other old 13 page thread wish i could of been there.One more thing i remember him saying that the Thais back then was smaller than they are now , and he thought that was down to weston style food and they seem taller to.

  9. I am wondering if anyone could please help me ,as i need to speak to someone,but the thing is the person i am talking to does not understand much English at all if any.

    How would i go about telling a person, to tell there friend to call me,ie what words would i say in thai .If i was going to ask them to tell there friend to call me .I have been looking it up for time but i keep getting different words with different meanings.So how do i go about saying can you tell ...... to phone me .

  10. Clayton just face it you are a grade A p...., who does not have a clue of what you are talking about .So hows about go stick you head back in a hole or up your ass where it belongs.

    Are you from the uk clayton or the usa,do you know how many people have died from cannabis clayton nope i bet you dont well let me tell you not one .It dont care how smart you think you are mister English teacher ,but you have not got a clue what you are talking about, when it comes to cannabis or any other drug for that matter so it best yu just keep yur mouth shut as all that seems to come out of it is <deleted>.

  11. Well how did i guess, yet again clayton cymore the plank would be making some crap comment,You really are a joke you think someone should be killed and there life taken for abit of weed. You really do need you head testing.Sorry but you are a joke m8 you talk of something, you know nothing about and i mean Nothing. Just the rubbish you see in the papers like killer skunk all bs.

    The strange thing is i know some ex pats from canada who have been over here for well over 20 years, and he said back then it was ok to smoke weed well notok but some bar would openly have some in a bowl, as thai weed was some of the best in the world back then.

    And less trouble ,less fights ,

    ps to the person who got cought with a joint i wish you all the best in court.

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