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Posts posted by deon

  1. I was wondering if anyone could help me , i was doing a virus scan with avg and it found a virus, or trojan, i am not sure.

    Called js Downloader agent .Avg could not get rid of it, and now my pc is running very slow.

    I looked about on the net and it seems a few people have had this same nasty . As i said if anyone can help i would be truly gratful.

  2. No its not just you the first time i went there , i thought was i a alien or did i have to heads or something . It got so bad ,i was really thinking of getting a t shirt made. Saying is there a problem, or something wrong with me .But i thought no i had best not , as it could be taken the wrong way, but i know what u mean .I have just been there for amonth last month it was still the same though i would say not as bad now .As i offen stay in the same part of bkk o i guess they are geting use to seeing my face.

  3. Sorry but you are Wrong Since 1976, drug law in the Netherlands has divided drugs between hard (eg heroin, cocaine and ecstasy) and soft (cannabis).

    The fact that cannabis is relatively easy to obtain in coffee shops has not resulted in a greater increase in use than in other countries

    Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands

    Possession of a small amount (less than 30 grammes) of cannabis for personal use carries only a minor punishment, and is rarely prosecuted ,More famously, the law also allows for "coffee shops". These are the 1,500 or so cafés - usually small, independent and unlicensed - which sell cannabis, under very strict conditions (the sale technically remains an offence):

    no more than five grams per person are sold in any one transaction;

    no hard drugs are sold;

    drugs are not advertised;

    the coffee shop does not cause any nuisance;

    no drugs are sold to minors (under 18);

    no minors are admitted to the premises

    Policy on coffee shops is largely decided at local level, between a triangle of local authorities, the police and public prosecutors

    But the goverment do not control it at all, its the coffie shops. a infact at the moment there is a big clap down on things there .

  4. just let the poor thing go on its own .Maestro not to be a plank about things, but the reason he has said what he did at the start Which you eddited its not uncomon for us Muslim to say that before we talk .Muhammad Asalam alay kum bro Just say inshaAllah if you want to say that .Or is that not even ok for us to say .?.Maestro?.deon ie hassan.

  5. To right a person in the uk growing some plants gets bird , And then a pedo gets no jail to me thats makes no sense at all.those kind of folks i dont have no time for sorry but to me they should get death as they have taken something away from kids that they will never get back there inocents And rapist well i think they should be put through the same pain as they did to there victims .I just dont see the point of those kind of scum being let to live .

    People who sell hard drugs ie smack well they should get what smack does to most you can work that one out for yourself what i mean by that , that stuff is poison.I have lost 2 freinds to that stuff never touched it never will .There goes the gate way link a that most folks who take pot ie blow to folks from the usa blow is old uk slang for pot it does not mea coke as it does in the us then go on to use hard drugs just lies lies lies .dont get me wrong i have done my fair share of Acit back in the day for many years But not anymore .

    I toke ie smoke pot i admit that i have done for 25 years now, i dont drink i cant stand the stuff , when i am back home in England and i do in Holland i do but here in Thailand noway, its just not worth the trouble though i have many friends who still do but thats them and not me .

    just as i would never ever step foot in dubai.where poor old grove rider is banged up for abit of pot still he should of known better . you only have to go out in any town in the uk at the weekend to see the trouble drink brings and crime but you go To Holland do you see door men on the doors why is that becouse people who toke dont couse trouble .

    Its only the unjust laws that brings them trouble .Everything from the east is bad yet everyone from the west is okie drink .The war on drugs as they call it though i am about herb here its nothing more than a modern day witch hunt nothing more nothing less .Its sad that in Holland now things are changing fast becouse of the christian demercrats who are in power As the Dutch are actuly very religious in most parts andto them everything is bad and a big no no .

  6. Well when ever i go to Thailand as my gf lives there in bkk, we always go to Pattaya, infact we will be there in 2 weeks time .I just go there and chill on the beach ,and have a look about . I dont go in the bars as i dont drink. And in all the times i have been there i have never seen any trouble .

    I dont understand why some folks are so down on the place , like i have said i dont drink and at and dont like being around drunks to much .But it does not stop me and my other half going there .

  7. Some good news atlast , its good to see someone had some sense , and i dont mean the type you smoke lol .

    Dubai pardons Briton 'with cannabis on shoe'

    43-year-old Briton arrested at Dubai airport with 0.003 grams of cannabis on shoe sole pardoned.

    DUBAI - A British man sentenced to four years in jail in the Gulf emirate of Dubai for having a tiny amount of cannabis stuck to his shoe has been pardoned, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

    Andrew Brown was released early from prison in the Western-orientated emirate which is a popular destination for British tourists, the English language 7Days reported, without stating how much of the jail term he served.The 43-year-old was arrested in September at Dubai International Airport after customs officers found 0.003 grams (0.0001 ounces) of cannabis on the sole of one his shoes.

    The UAE imposes tough penalties for all drug-related offences. Four years is the usual sentence for possession while trafficking carries the death penalty.

    well i guess that makes you upset a c s lol .

  8. Thanks everyone once again for all the replies,

    Read somewhere, Eva will want to see the card you paid the fare with also , not sure if true?
    when you say card do you mean credit card ?. If that i the case then what happens if you did not use one ?.If that is the case .
  9. As the title says its about electronic tickets, i have just booked a flight with eva air fr march the 6 .And i have been given or not given more to the point electronic tickets. This may sound abit daft, but all the other times i have flown. It has been with paper tickets.

    So what i am really asking is, when you are handing your tickets in , or you go through the visa part .what happens ,as there is no tickets.

    Sorry if this sounds abit of a daft question ,just this is all new to me . All they have told me is make sure you take all the right documents with you ,Which i will .So if anyone else has had one of these which i guess loads have if you could jut talk me through what goes on i would be the most grateful.

  10. Muslim do belive in them kind of but they are called jinn

    ,The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb 'Janna' which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence. However, (as will be seen) the affect which the world of the Jinn has upon our world, is enough to refute this modern denial of one of Allah's creation. The origins of the Jinn can be traced from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Allah says:

    "Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire"

    [surah Al-Hijr 15:26-27]

    Thus the Jinn were created before man. As for their physical origin, then the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has confirmed the above verse when he said: "The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire" [1]. It is this description of the Jinn which tells us so much about them. Because they were created from fire, their nature has generally been fiery and thus their relationship with man has been built upon this. Like humans, they too are required to worship Allah and follow Islam. Their purpose in life is exactly the same as ours, as Allah says

  11. Clayton you dont do Drugs do you drink at all ?. I dont drink at all put i do smoke , and let me tell you this people who smoke .Get into less trouble than most folks who drink. The only trouble is from the unjust laws .

    I know some folks with ms and hiv And cannabis is the only6 thing that gives them a decent life , I guess you would like to see old folks in wheel chairs locked up then.

    You are sad sorry, if you think locking somone up for abit of pot is a good thing .Then you dont have a clue what you are talking about .I bet you dont even know why it was made Illegal in the first place let me tell you this it was not becouse of science.It was more to do with the usa Racist views on Blacks and Mexicans.ie Reefer maddness and some folks like you still belive it to lol.

  12. I always use travilbag as another posted above said , i use there one in Nottingham .And i have never had a problem and there often get good flights deals.

    The first time was with Thai airways never ever again will with them again .The last 2 times i have flown it has been with eve, and i have always been able to get the seat near the door .So there is never a problem getting to the toilet and there is plenty of leg room.

    Though i tried to get a flight with eve for next month and the cheapest i could get one for was 600 pounds so its not really that cheap at the moment.

    If you do use Amsterdam as a stop over , please dont go to dubai after its not safe .All it would take is some smoke on your hair and you are stuffed in dubai.groverider knows that just to well .

  13. I just hope he has done to him what he did to that poor girl, the thais who let that scum out are not much better .only words for it all sad very sad indeed.

    I really just cant belive it really i cant .How on earth can anyone justpay there way out after killing somone ?.

    Its just mad I thought i had heard or seen most things about this place , but it never Ceases To Amaze Me.

    Where is the justice for that poor Thai girl.Some folks should not be walking on this earth he is one of them.

  14. Cool story, though i am surprised to hear that folks are teaching tkd here .Jkd i could understand ,but not tkd as most of the fights i have seen betreen tkd and mauy thai. The Thais have always won ,Which did surprise me to tell you the truth .

    With all the jumping and spining kicks though from tkd fighters ,the thais just bloked them and the tkd fighters just could not cut the mustard ie keep up the pace .

    And in the end it was the mauy thais who won .

    Anyway ty for the story.

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