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Posts posted by deon

  1. Well i thought those pics was class had me lmao, there is nothing worse than a pp. ie plastic want to be p.... .Give them abit of power and it goes right to there heads.

    And in those black uniforms well i am not going to say what they look like but its just as in some of those pics, i wonder if he like the bnp lmao.

    Though if i had someone take pics of me or follow me around i would ask them what they are up to or what there problem is .But then again i dont think it would happen .As i dont walk about with a huge power trip coming of me, you could see it in how he and some of the others walk .Alot like the cso you get in the uk they want to be p..s but they dont have the brains .Well it was the pancake on some guy's head which made me lmao along with the other pics .

  2. I have been with my wife for six years now , it was a village ceremony so we are not really married .Anyway to cut along story short, i would like her to come to the uk for a visit.The thing is i am not in work at the moment but i do have some savings.At the moment i am living at home , And there is many rooms in the house .

    My mum has said it is ok for her to come and stay and she has even written a letter to her saying she is welcome to come and stay here in the uk.

    My other half works at a school and she can only get two weeks of work But they have said if she does go to the uk then her job would still be open .

    So the reason for this post is i would like to know my chances of her being able to get a visa even though i am not working but i do have some savings .We have some prove of contact just not much in letters or e mails as we always talk on messenger as when i first meet her she was working in a net shop .Ps all this visa stuff is new to me so all help would be welcome .

  3. Wow blacks in Thailand hold the front page,Just becouse some might have something to do with crime .Does not mean they all do .How does that saying go,dont tar everyone with the same brush .

    Clayton you must have a borring live if you think taking pics of folks with to much baggage is interesting man you need to get out more .Some of the things said on this thread, makes me laugh .

    I have some friends who are Nigerians,and they are some of the most friendly and plight folks i have the pleasure to know.

    And i trust them alot more than say some of my white friends .

  4. Good i am glad they got that stuff of the streets ,that stuff is just pure evil.I have had many friends hooked on that <deleted> some still are .One of my friends died from od of that stuff.

    You go to any town in the uk and see what smack has done to people ,Talk about big issue .I smoke weed always have done for over half my life .

    But that stuff ,i would never touch, anything with ack on the end is bad be it smack or crack.

    Though saying it is like E or Acid is wrong which i did take alot back in the rave days, though i did take alot more acid than i ever did e and when i say alot i mean alot, though i have not touched any of them for over 8 years now .

    They dont mess you up and make you mug folks and steal from shops .Smack does though, that is if you cant get a job as a big issue seller lol.

  5. i Take offence at being called a scumbag ,as i smoke cannabis does that make me a bad person nope far from it .The law on Cannabis around the world is unjust and stupid .The Dutch have it right ,I have used e in the past many many years of taking acid and whizz .

    Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .Though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

    Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis. Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

    Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

    You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

  6. No i think you got it right the first time , as for a person to think all farangs are like that ie old bold and fat .Than he trully is a <deleted> k wit.

    And a grade A one at that , as i am 35 years old, 10 and a half stone with a full head of hair.I meet my wife on the net on a old chat site of all things lol .It was both our first time on there .My wife was working in a net shop thats why she was online.

    And at first we got on ok , but there was some issues as she did not like Muslims and she loved thaskin and i could not stand him.

    Now she has nothing against Muslims, and she cant stand thaskin lol,a complete turn around .She Then got a job working for two big hotels , now she works at a school as a Recepsonist and she goes to uni part time.She has never worked in a bar, just as i have never been to nana or soi cowboy i have heard of them but never been to them as i dont drink .so stick that in your pipe and smoke it .

  7. Well my wife sister is a nurse,and she is married to a Thai .she sure does work hard to , when ever we go to the hospital to see her everyone is fine with me .even though i am a farang kak abung lol as some say.

    Infact a few of the nurses have farang boy friend , so i dont see why you would have any problems .

  8. marquess i could not of said it better myself ,you took the words right out of my mouth . He talks about not feeling safein Thailand lmao .Thats a joke comming from him .I hope we kick out and send him back asap .And that he rots in a thai jail , its funny my other half use to think the world of him.

    As it was through one of his teaching reforms ,That helped my other half get in uni as she was one of the top students in her school.She did have a right go at me ,as i had never liked him .Now she cant stand him , and only today she was asking me how can he stay in your country .And it not send him back.

  9. Thanks alot steve, i know i am from the uk oand its easy to get here.Its just i cant seem to find it anywhere in bkk, thanks for that bit of info about the Kwan loong oil .

  10. Jandajoy, you really need to chill, If you have read this thread so many times as you say.Then you can see that this man is acting like a nob,Its his place and he will have it .

    Nope its not its anyones ,He is a grown man not some little 5 year old child .If anyone is being bullied, its the staff in the shop by him ,and the other folks who happen to sit in his seat.And then get a gob full of him or some nasty stares.

  11. Same here it will not let me vote, i keep getting a error . I am from the uk .I would of thought most was from the uk , though looking at the poll, it seems most are from the usa .

    Strange as most the visa stuff i see are from folks from the uk asking about visa .

  12. Thanks alot for the link steve2uk, i shall have alook at that and see what it says .

    At the moment my pc is running ok ,where as before it was not strange.The speed of it since i shut my pc has gone back to normal.

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