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Grafting Ken

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Everything posted by Grafting Ken

  1. It’s a large Satsuma type. A nice tree and nice sweet seedless fruit. ours fruited second year.
  2. Dekapon is a fantastic tree.. great fruit grows well.
  3. If your just growing a lemon tree in your back garden then an air layered or tree on its own roots is ok. there isn’t an orchard in the world that grows lemons commercially on their own roots. They have very little pest or virus resilience grown like this. This will all become clear years down the line I really would not recommend farming any citrus tree if it is not on a good compatible rootstock. another note on the Eureka is that Eureka seedlings are used in top end nurseries around the world for indexing. this is virus testing, wils another tree used. They use the Eureka for this method because it has very limited pest , virus resistance and shows up viruses on new grafted trees quickly.. it’s definitely not to be used as a rootstock. all this information is out there on the internet.. very easy to find. please I urge anyone going into farming Lemons or other kinds of citrus to do your homework first.. because planting them on their own roots will end badly and you will lose a lot of trees down the line.
  4. A few photos of our orchard and nursery. Trees trees flowering heavy at the moment.
  5. A few photos of our finger lime orchard. Huge amount of flowering trees this year.
  6. Hi. Ok lemons! So past 12 months we have moved into the lemons. We have collected up. Allen Eureka Taylor Eureka Lambert Eureka Yuzu limoneira South Africa tropical lemon lemonade lemon Queensland lisbon Prior Lisbon. We are only up to around 10 to 30 all very small trees to grow up so we can create more and at some point get them out to farmers around the country. Now here main issue here is that a lot of the Lemons are incompatible with the rootstocks they are grafted on to.. also 99% of the eureka lemon trees I see sold here are not eureka at all so when buying the Eureka lemon it should be either on Rough Lemon Benton Rangpur lime. luckily we have a good supply of the Rangpur rootstock and also in small quantities have been able to get some Benton and rough lemon seeds. So lemons do we have them? yes we do plus now a very large selection of other citrus.. all 100% genuine varieties and all grafted to their own rootstocks. Unfortunately most are still small so it’s going to take a while to get the numbers up. But I can’t sell the trees on this forum so where to go from here I don’t know..
  7. Hi all I’ve seen posts before about people looking for sprinkler irrigation systems. I’m just trying out a product from Netafim called gyro net, they also do a super net. Lots of different flow rates available and the sprinkler pops up and closes to keep insects out. These sprinklers are fantastic and very well made and come at a great price.. Well worth a try.
  8. Abamdctin now we only use on rootstock if we get an influx in thrips but they have not been as bad this year. Neem I used to send over from the uk but now have so many trees it’s not practical so we use wood vinegar.. for spray we use T.P.I gold it’s for me much better than the other products around mixed in a spray mix with EM, molasses, seaweed extract and worm cast tea.. just trying Mr Hope worm cast tea last few months.. Also we do a soil drench every month but for that I use the cheaper wood vinegar that you can buy a 30L barrel for around 1200 baht I think. Sure we try to be as organic as we possibly can but the thrips and miners once starts can make a mess of things.. spraying regular just helps to keep everything clean these pests love the new rootstock leaves and if not kept in check make a mess of young rootstock and trees.
  9. It is leaf miner.. through and especially towards end of hot season can get lots along with thrips that love the citrus leaves. If it’s bad give them a 1 shot spray with abamectin to clear them up then spray every 10 days to 2 weeks with neem oil or wood vinegar.
  10. Now is good for grafting citrus also towards end of cool season as things start to warm up.. bit of a no no in hot season.. you will be better grafting the lemons. we are growing Troyer Swingle Benton Rusk Cox mandarin hybrid Carrizo rough lemon ant Tri citrus rootstocks now. You can Google all of them and see what you think is good for your lemon. Should be ready in around 3 months so still ok to graft then.
  11. Hi as mentioned above Netafim do a great 8mm micro drip line and we used it for many years now both in our garden and now in our orchard. the dripline goes around the tree so gives a really good deep watering way better than any sprinkler. But we only grow a small variety of tree not huge fruit trees. Pumping water from a pond into a tank I’m unsure if the water would eventually clog the drip line up. think maybe disc filters rather than mesh or a mix of both would be better. you can contact Netafim direct on Facebook but I’ve found Plume also on Facebook have all the Netafim products and it’s all good quality gear much better than most you buy here… just on a note we water over 500 trees on our small orchard using the Netafim micro drip line.. it costs around 250 baht per month to water all.
  12. Grafting for second plot went well his season.
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