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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. So you asked to be born, and be in Norway? I wish I could talk to your parents and ask them how you made your request
  2. I thought the Muslim religion forbade the use of alcohol and narcotic substances. But I must be mistaken
  3. Yes, they must protest! In a highly polarized society where on one side there are the rich and on the other, extremely poor people - some forced to sell themselves to survive...- the legalisation of casinos will only increase these inequalities
  4. Why don't you tell us how long you want this war to go on, and how many dead, wounded, widows, widowers, and orphans it will take before you are satisfied, and peace returns?
  5. "Trump gave him Javelins: I would give Nuke-tipped Precision Strike Missiles (PrSMs)" Wonderful proposal! Indeed, Russia, which has no replica of this kind of weapon, will disappear, while Ukraine will become a member of NATO and the world will continue to live in peace!
  6. Teaching locals the rules of safe driving would be even better.
  7. Is the public safety ensured even on the days when the sale of alcohol is not prohibited?
  8. It honestly hurts to realize that people are so blinded by their fanaticism that they refuse to believe that Ukraine, as it existed before February 24th – with Crimea included – will no longer exist! And this, despite the graphs, statistics, and other numbers that some display to make people believe that Russia is a poor country. I am neither Russian nor Ukrainian, just a simple observer who – I hope – is objective!
  9. It is certainly the length of the sentence that interests Mr Biddut, not the administrative and judicial references, I guess
  10. I hate snakes, venomous or not, so I would love to buy these two dogs if their owner is willing to sell them to me!
  11. Critics = taxi and tuktuk drivers!
  12. What was the use of all that? Ukraine, NATO, and by extension the USA have lost this war, as bloody as it was pointless.
  13. Rape in itself is a horrible act, but to attack menopausal women suggests that this individual, if caught, would have to spend a good part of his life in the slammer after undergoing chemical castration.
  14. ...are you serious??
  15. I'm scared to death of snakes, so the only snake I can stand to look at is a dead one.
  16. The leopard was the onlooker! It is teh high season: many tourists to watch!
  17. You don't carry a firearm under the pretext of seeking reconciliation with someone!
  18. I got it! It was an accident, how do you explain "An initial inspection revealed a large wound on the man’s left upper arm and the right ear had been partially severed."?
  19. Not clear at all! So The Mystery 'Bell' at Traffic Lights remains a mystery!
  20. Excuse e, perhaps this Englishman was a masochist , given the cruel and inhumane treatment that prisoners of war historically suffered in Japan, which is well-documented. The Japanese were known for their brutality...burying civilians alive, boasting about who could kill the most "ennemies" with a single sword strike, and now you want us to believe they were humane toward their prisoners?
  21. She's in for a rough time, as Japanese prisons are just as famous as those for which her country is famous.
  22. Whistleblowers are always poorly regarded, whether in a kingdom or a republic that claims to be the most democratic in the world! What happened to the whistleblowers who exposed the criminal negligence of a famous American aircraft manufacturer resulting in hundreds of passengers being killed in spectacular accidents?
  23. In terms of aid or assistance to families, this sum is "non-existing".
  24. I'd take out the adjective ‘possible’.
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