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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. hmm! could it be a crime with some sexual connotation? perhaps sherlock holmes would have asked himself this question !
  2. at 9 years old, breaking into a house and stealing such a large sum of money suggests that this little darling already knows what she's going to do when she grows up
  3. RIP..... but don't thai mechanics study the fundamentals of electricity?
  4. here's an unstoppable defence for the couple: tell the police that the items were for personal use.
  5. there must be a dude specialised in using the icone "confused", unless he or she doesn't understand the word fetishism!, indeed i mean, it can't be so difficult to undersstand that stealing ladie's underwear is a sexual deviation called fetishism! where's the confusion?
  6. a tourist trap, unless you speak thai!
  7. marvelled! no way! i'would run away like a rabbit because i hate snakes so much
  8. the teacher might had thought: all means are good to make money, except bad ones
  9. the lucky numbers revealed... ! so why buy other numbers instead of the revealed ones?
  10. he'll be caught soon because, as many crooks, he thinks he's the smartest dude in the world
  11. ...knowing how much the thais believe in supernatural forces, the adverb "Intriguingly " is overused here ????
  12. ...tragic accident, but one must always remember that electricity poles are there to distribute electricity, not to provide support for drunkards
  13. ...but good news for umbrella and mackintosh salesmen, i guess
  14. i can't stop laughing! it's true that you don't need to have enstein's brain to learn to steal
  15. lucky you ! make the same mistake in a "poor" country and you could be starving to death before your mom's ticket reaches you!
  16. mine is a figure of speech as well. just a difference, i'm not being sardoinc
  17. no kidding! i no longer need to buy a fridge i order to store my seeafood....thus avoid paying big electricity bills!
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