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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. it's the height of bad luck to be the victim of a scam and then die in a car accident! RIP
  2. cowhides? well, maybe he's a cobbler. but what do you do with pig's canine teeth? sell them to dentists?
  3. is it certain that we're talking about a former thai prime minister, an ex-military man no less?, i can't help it but i remain somewhat sceptical.
  4. if, according to the article, no one saw the assailant, how can anyone "believe" that he was a foreigner?
  5. just buy booze the day before, no need to ban the sale of alcohol on religious holidays
  6. if it's suicide...not that i've tried, but there must be a less painful way of doing it
  7. "A crocodile farmer in northern Cambodia has been torn to pieces by about 40 of the reptiles after falling into their enclosure..." certainly not the best to die
  8. lol, you can twist your ankle without jogging or twist it after you've smoked cannabis
  9. how does he get the blood? by killing a crocodile every day?
  10. "Baby elephant rescued after falling down 8ft well on Thai golf course" it's said that elephants have a fantastic memory, so now mother elephant will run away as soon as she hears the word golf, i guess!
  11. lol! is it a crime to express an opinion? in any case, unless you are a member of the thai parliament - which decided to legalise cannabis - why are you attacking my comments? or because i don't smoke cannabis, i've got no right to have an opinion about it?
  12. ..it won't be easy! in fact, it can make things even worse because prohibition will not reduce either the consumption or the sales channels of cannabis. instead, anything connected with cannabis would become secret and the state would lose significant tax revenues. it would have been better not to legalise this drug, to begin with. i say this as a non-smoker ????
  13. .."..strong challenge from two anti-military parties". sure! but militaries are still stronger
  14. seeing what's left of the car, one wonders how fast she was driving
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