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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. a gold watch, unless a pickpocket steals it off the street, is a good investment, psychologically and financially speaking.
  2. the parakeet in the pic doesn't look impressed, though!
  3. a good start to fighting corruption
  4. what a pity! i know that Mother Nature needs biodiversity to survive, but i'm sorry, i can't stand snakes, venomous or not.
  5. yeah, i like thailand too but not for its rice export, leader, tin or electronic industries
  6. ...remains unscathed! have you talked to the fishes?
  7. yeah, i like thailand too but not its rice export, leader, tin or electronic industries
  8. ..after the arrest and death of pablo escobar, they may have thought that that trafficking cocaine was too dangerous
  9. 10 years' imprisonment for a politician in thailand? like thomas talking about his boss jesus, i want to see before i believe
  10. maybe she thought that bankers and policemen do the same job:-)
  11. they never learn! bye, bye nairobi! (nairobi, kenya's capital city)
  12. you mean there is always logic behind every lie? besides,nowhere do I claim she's lying
  13. a typical "she said, he said" if if no traces of dna are found
  14. plz, don't make a mountain out of a molehill! saying that a woman is rich doesn't mean that it's OK to steal her money! the most appropriate response to my comments would be that "very few TV presenters can claim to have millions in their bank account, indeed". and that was exactly what i was underlining.
  15. i say 6 months!
  16. ..what is sure, Miss Praweenamai Baikloy, the TV news presenter isn't poor
  17. How Many Pubs Have You Been Banned From and Why? from most of them because i'm a cheap charlie, just drinking water in pubs
  18. ...not to mention higher tourist taxes! the equation is simple: more tourists and more taxes = a stronger economy, indeed!
  19. Rip! yet i can't help wondering what the father was thinking!
  20. save your pity for yourself since you seem incapable of understanding an innocent joke! i've traveled a lot and seen worse travel conditions than these!
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