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Everything posted by ifmu

  1. as for me while i was in usa trying to get visa from usa thai consulate the procedure required upload of docs .... they would not accept pdf files i had to scan the docs into jpeg or bmp or ? then send them ...
  2. damn alcohol again ... over and over ...........
  3. in recovery !!! good for you .. dont do anything to jeopardize that luck to ya
  4. even in the usa the thais have different rules at diff consulates ......... i think maybe they have it together now
  5. alcohol influenced ... yes i will be referencing the use of alcohol now that other people are bad mouthing pot ...
  6. as a "cough cough" usa citizen i get the same crraapp what i discovered is if you contact your representative or congressman woman .. and ask for help then they will contact the people for me sometimes i contacted the wrong rep but was redirected to the correct one luck to ya
  7. comeon this has nothing to do with pot ........ this is normal crappy drivers
  8. for us in the shower floor drain we use a ping pong ball
  9. great post thanks for adding info .. keep it up info is gold and imm will be changing so we will need to keep updated
  10. sorry just found the answer on another reply just ignore this my bad
  11. so yes on the thailand pass but no on the health ins correct ?
  12. very nice thanks for adding to thread .. dm me about agents if possible wait do we have dm ?
  13. Hi all new question laos has a different non.o visit thai wife much different than CM imm non.o https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/page/4-steps-to-apply-for-thai-visa?menu=5f364266881bda1c12237f58 what are the steps to extend this visa after the 90 days and are there any hidden mines to be aware of ... thanks much
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