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Everything posted by RayC

  1. And cue the usual deflection card. I have no idea what is your question? My question to you is are you going to continue to attempt to rewrite historical facts?
  2. ????It was just a matter of time before the EU got blamed (again). Any number of convoluted conspiracy theories can be compiled but a simple fact remains: Russia invaded Ukraine.
  3. Once again, absolute nonsense and factually incorrect. There was never any concession by Churchill or Roosevelt that Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland should be considered part of the "Soviet sphere of influence". As I stated previously Stalin agreed that, post WW2, there should be free elections held in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland (and also Romania and Bulgaria). An agreement that he did not keep. Imo those statements are not without substance. However, they are an altogether different conversation. As I stated above, there was no agreed "Soviet sphere of influence". So far as Western countries invaded by the Soviet Union is concerned, as I and others have pointed out on umpteen occasions: Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Other nations in the Warsaw Pact may not have been occupied forcibly by Soviet military forces post WW2, but the installation of puppet governments could be seen as effectively an occupation.
  4. That is complete and utter nonsense and a rewriting of history. The Yalta Conference agreed that there should be free elections in the former Axis states and in Poland. A pledge that Stalin obviously did not honour. It is equally ridiculous to imply, as you seem to do, that Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland were Soviet states at the end of WW2 in 1945.
  5. So you don't consider 1940/50's Warsaw Pact countries such as Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland to have been Western countries?
  6. All well and good but apart from those 26 examples you cite (yes, sad I counted them), what conflicts has Russia/ the Soviet Union been involved in since WW2????
  7. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has not been as effective as it was hoped. I'm no military strategist but from what I've read any advance (by either side) is likely to be stalled by the approaching winter. Will another Ukrainian counter-offensive next spring be effective? Let's hope so but, to rehash my earlier question, what evidence is there to support this hypothesis?
  8. Pot/ kettle. I am not the one deflecting. I couldn't have been clearer: Both the EU and the UK (more so the latter) are economically poorer because of Brexit, and I acknowledged the casual link between the drop in German exports to the UK and Brexit: Try reading and understanding what is actually written. You then resort to the usual Brexiter lament: They are punishing us for leaving. Absolutely nonsense. The EU had the stronger negotiating hand and was always going to dictate what any deal looked like. In any event, whatever happened to the Brexiter matra: 'They need us more than we need them'? No doubt your next post will contain a rant about the anti-democratic, corrupt EU and the misplaced notion that the UK has regained its' sovereignty (this only has any practical truth if you want to live in a North Korea-like state) The fact that you ignore the increasingly mounting evidence that Brexit was a disaster and that you cannot supply any evidence of its' benefits or construct even the flimsiest premise to support it says it all. I'm surprised that you can hear anything given how deep your head is in the sand.
  9. Sorry but how does Trump/ the Republicans losing the November 2024 election help Ukraine win the war within the next 13 months? Although a landslide Democrat victory next November is probably the best outcome for Ukraine, it's still not clear to me how this will hasten Ukraine's victory in the medium term (12 months+) unless there is a vast increase in US/ NATO military aid/ resources.
  10. That adds further evidence to Michel Barnier's assertion that there would be no winners from Brexit. I can't for the life of me see how this is in any way beneficial. But the point is that Brexit supporters need to construct a hypothesis that shows a causal link between a downturn in the EU economy(ies) and Brexit, similar to the OBR report on the effects of Brexit on the UK economy. Your first link demonstrates correlation not causation (although imo the casual link is almost certainly there). However, as I indicated previously, how an event that has a seemingly negative economic effect on both parties can be seen as a success is beyond me.
  11. Certain factions in the US would like to scale back their commitment to NATO. Don't you think it wise that Europe should have plans to prepare for that possibility? Wise based on the fact that an EU member state - albeit the biggest economy - is currently faltering? I've asked this before and received no answer, but what is the relationship between Brexit and Germany's current economic malaise? Would its' economic woes be solved by either the UK rejoining the EU and/or Germany leaving (the EU)? For someone who has said that they bear Germany (or other individual EU member states) no ill will, you do post a lot of posts seemingly taking pleasure at Germany's current problems.
  12. Maybe you don't equate the Soviet Union with Russia and/or consider former Warsaw Pact countries such as Czech (o)slovakia, (East) Germany, Hungary, Poland to be "western countries", in which case my following paragraph is null and void. You seem to have forgotten about the whole Cold War era; in particular, the Soviet Union's expansion into Central Europe and the presence of Soviet tanks in Budapest and Prague after demonstrations against the Soviet-backed regimes in Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the '50s and '60s. What exactly is it about Soviet/ Russian expansionism and domination that you find so appealing?
  13. The sooner Ukraine wins the war the better but what makes you think that the war will end within 13 months? Imo reports suggest that, unfortunately, the current situation is something of a stalemate and that Russia does not have any plans to wind down operations.
  14. Thanks for the link. Imo probably best to err on the side of caution and take the missus along. How could any woman resist the offer of a day out in CW?????????
  15. Is it really as simple as that? No documentation required e.g. proof of income, passport photos, etc? One more question: Can a single-entry Non 'O' visa be extended for 60 days in the same way? Thanks.
  16. Did you actually read the CEPR article? If so, perhaps you could highlight which parts of it show an "agenda driven ideology"? My conclusion is that it is a well-written nuanced piece. Imo it's always best to check one's own bias before laying the same charge at the feet of others. Wrt the europa.eu piece, my conclusion is that, unfortunately, the predictions for the German economy have worsened. However, I've no idea what that reveals about Brexit and/or a potential (unlikely) German exit from the EU.
  17. So your conclusion is what? Germany should leave the EU to improve its' economic performance?
  18. Well said. Unfortunately, your request seems to have fallen on some deaf ears.
  19. However, the more pertinent question still remains i.e would the UK have been better off economically if it had remained in the EU? Most commentators believe that the answer is 'Yes'. Example link below. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/impact-brexit-uk-economy-reviewing-evidence
  20. It might well be construed as that, so just as well that's not what I am saying. It's obviously unclear what race the anonymous Tory quoted in the link below belongs to but I take his/her accusation seriously as well. Just a shame that they didn't have the courage to make themselves known. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/suella-braverman-home-secretary-dolls-essex-pub-rishi-sunak-racist-rhetoric-grooming-gangs-b1074141.html
  21. No, pointing out that "Pakistani grooming gangs are Pakistani" isn't racist. It's a tautology. However, when an Asian, right-wing Tory accuses another Asian, right-wing Tory of using racist rhetoric, I'm inclined to think that there may be a case to answer.
  22. Jokes aside. What practical benefits will this MoU bring to either side? I can only assume that this is an election ploy by both Sunak and the Governor of Washington ("Look what I've done for you. I've signed an agreement with a billion/trillion dollar economy"). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-and-washington-state-trade-cooperation-innovation-and-clean-energy-memorandum-of-understanding#:~:text=Policy paper-,UK and Washington State trade cooperation%2C innovation and clean energy,US%2C signed 25 September 2023.
  23. Steady on. We didn't leave the EU just to replace it with a different set of faceless bureaucrats from Beijing, Bombay, Brasilia or Babayeva telling us what to do! (Confession time: Yes, I know Bombay is now called Mumbai. I also admit that I had to search for "Cities in Russia beginning with B").
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