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Posts posted by RayC

  1. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Just not true, if you take anti biotics for a viral infection, there isn't any harmful bacteria to become resistant ,  so it will just be ineffective.


    @Hawaiian is correct.


    Although some anti-biotics are 'targeted', many are not and they can therefore eliminate friendly gut bacteria.


    https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/247213/antibiotics-promote-growth-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria/#:~:text=Some antibiotics target specific bacteria,with digestion and other processes.

  2. On 5/12/2024 at 4:41 AM, Gweiloman said:

    The sun is slowly but surely setting on the western empire and they have no one to blame but themselves. The world rejects the idea of a unipolar liberal hegemony. The west has the choice of either embracing this shift and being part of it which will keep them a powerful force or to fight it which will result in their inevitable decline. Idiots like Borrell and von der lying are too full of themselves so the latter scenario is the most likely one.


    I would agree with most of that but would argue that this shift in power has been recognised in mainland Europe with the realisation that it needs to act as a bloc to remain relevant. However, unfortunately imo 52% of those voting in a referendum in the UK had a different view.

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:


    Most UK expats here are not immigrants (it says so on the visa tin) and have not applied to become so. If they were invited to immigrate and then wanted to do so, then it would be fair to require them to integrate much further (which is required in several ways anway, for the few who have been though all the hoops and managed to attatn cizenship, usually after many years). No semantics just how it is.



    Are you suggesting that a British expat who has lived in Thailand for say 4 years, speaks no more than very basic Thai, cannot read Thai and spends most of his time in an expat bubble is not being inconsistent when he demands that immigrants to the UK integrate themselves into UK society by embracing British culture, simply because the stamp in his passport states "Non-Imm" whilst that of the immigrant to the UK reads "Imm"? 


    It's a semantic justification for hypocrisy.

    • Confused 2
  4. 18 hours ago, nauseus said:


    Well there are big differences. You could start with a passport and visa, perhaps? Try that here without the documents! 


    I don't understand your point?


    Legal immigrants to the UK need to have a passport and visa. Illegal immigrants to the UK and Thailand will either be treated as refugees or deported.


    Anyway, that is tangential to the point which was I was making i.e. that those calling for immigrants to fully integrate into UK society should, if they are being consistent, apply the same requirement to UK expats who have made Thailand their home.


    So far the only attempt to counter my contention relies on semantics.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Allowing illegal immigrants to stay in Britain instead of deporting them is not "dealing with the problem", neither is it an act of kindness.


    It is causing damage to Britain and the British people. 


    If Labour initiatives to reduce the number of boats landing are successful, the question of deporting those who do arrive becomes less of an issue.

    • Haha 1
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  6. 12 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    She's female so expect a light sentence. The lads probably enjoyed it, right?


    Had she ticked more DEI boxes (racial/religious minority or alphabet people) she would have walked, in the unlikely event it even got this far.


    Unfortunately she is guilty of being white and thus far she has only served 30 years of her crime.


    I'll bet my bottom dollar that whatever is the verdict, you'll take umbrage with it. 


    If the person is acquitted or receives a "light" sentence it will be because of her gender. If she receives a long sentence it will be because she is white.

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  7. On 5/11/2024 at 3:04 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Had I had an affair with one of my patients I think I'd have been trouble as I'd be accused of using my position to influence her. Even more relevant because of the longer involvement for teachers.

    Were it a male teacher and a female student we all know how it would end up, which irks me a lot, as female's that use their position to obtain sex get an easier ride, IMO.


    Re the impact on the victims involved, LOL. I expect the lads will be quite chuffed at getting a leg over an older woman


    Did you miss the bit where it says that she is standing trial for her alleged crimes?


    You imply that this case is an example of misandry despite the fact that there is zero evidence to suggest this while at the same time displaying your usual misogyny.


    For good measure, you top it off with a bit of "nudge, nudge, get in there my son". Nice going.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Black, brown or white he could see the future, he was 100% right.


    Now what did that new councillor shout, was it............."Allaha Akbar"...😂


    So the white man living in the UK is now a 2nd class citizens? The evidence suggests otherwise.


    "Allaha Akbar" (God is great). A view held by followers of most deities. I assume that the councillor believed that God was responsible for his victory. Personally, I'd have thanked the voters in my ward.

    • Confused 2
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  9. 5 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    Yeah, 5 years is so little before getting permanent residency. 


    How many permanent residencies does Thailand grant per year?


    And citizenships?



    If you get permanent residency, that's different,  you should fully integrate. 


    Or if you are getting any kind of benefits, like the asylum seekers that arrived yesterday 


    But if you are on a "non-immigrant" visa, nah.


    Anyway, I don't think Thais want us to integrate. We are just foreign visitors in their country



    Do you really think Thais want you?


    The discrepancy still exists. You require that those living in the UK should integrate while not demanding the same of Brits living in Thailand.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Enoch was sooooooo right............🤔


    Powell was talking about "Black immigration" and got it completely wrong.


    Whites aren't subservient to blacks; the black man doesn't have 'the whip hand' in the UK as he predicted.


    Instead, what we have is a society in which all people are equal in the eyes of the law, and where second and third generation, British born black men and women play their full part in society, be that as judges, MPs, bus drivers, bin men or whatever.

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  11. 1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:


    Uhm, well yeah, cos we are only allowed to stay a year at a time.


    Why should we bother? They don't actually want us. 


    And I don't blame them. They are smart to take care of their country, unlike the UK.


    We are non-immigrants, unlike those who arrive on the banana boats


    And immigrants to the UK are only allowed to stay for the duration of their visas. If they want to stay longer then they have to get it renewed which is not automatic. After 5 years an immigrant can then apply for leave to remain in the UK but, again, this is not automatically granted. 


    So little real difference between immigrants to the UK (certainly for the first five years) and those on Non-O 'visas' in Thailand. Seems like double standards if ex-pat Brits expect immigrants to fully integrate into UK society whilst at the same time thinking that shouldn't be expected of them in Thailand.


    If I lived in a country where the locals didn't want me I'd move but, of course, that's up to the individual.

    • Haha 2
  12. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:

    When I get all the same benefits as a Thai does, ie free medical, able to buy land etc, no price gouging because I'm a falang, no 90 day reports or visas required,  then I'll fully integrate.


    So then you have no problem with immigrants not fully integrating into UK society given that they don't have the same rights as UK citizens e.g they have no rights to remain in the country indefinitely, they cannot vote in general elections?

    • Confused 3
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  13. 12 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    The same is happening all over Europe. 



    Thinly disguised racist claptrap wrapped up in a conspiracy theory.


    Too much there to pick apart piece by piece, but suffice to say that she clearly knows little about London as a city and even less about Brussels.

    • Sad 2
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  14. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agree 100%.


    "I would add, no single men/. Any single male fleeing a war, should be sent back to fight for his country" "Agree 100%".


    If you now agree with this statement, then it is a complete volte-face on your part: On the Ukraine thread, you are forever pleading with Ukraine to surrender.

  15. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hardly a new thing. That ghostly laughter is probably Enoch's from his grave.


    Unfortunately you are right about It not being a new thing.


    But you and Powell were wrong. Whites aren't subservient to blacks; the black man doesn't have 'the whip hand' as Powell predicted.


    Instead, what we have in the UK is a society in which all people are equal in the eyes of the law, and where second and third generation, British born black men and women play their full part in society, be that as judges, MPs, bus drivers, bin men or whatever.

    • Like 1
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  16. 6 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    So you feel that October 7 was justified?


    Knowing that you can justify such depravity rather softens the blow of being put on your ignore list!


    Stamp your tiny feet and flounce out of the room!


    Congratulations. Wear your 'Ignore' badge with pride. It confirms that you have made a coherent argument for which he has no counter.


    (I was inducted into the club last year. I still boast about It).

    • Thanks 1
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  17. 6 hours ago, Gweiloman said:


    Thanks for the link.


    I imagine that Borrell regrets ever making that particular speech. The subsequent Oxford speech suggests that he now chooses his words more carefully.


    In any event, it doesn't change the substance of what he was saying i.e. that he hopes for an Ukrainian victory.


  18. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Sorry if it was all getting too complicated for you. I will try to dumb it down in future if i think you are reading.


    😂 You don't need to worry on that front, Jonny. I could never accuse you of providing a complicated argument. Well, not one that is also coherent and rational at least.


    5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Maybe start by looking at the title of the thread and the two tier policing at the pro Palestine protests in London. 


    Let's do that. It is "Any Palestinian flags, symbols at Malmo Eurovision show will be removed".


    See anything there about Sadiq Khan or the London mayoral elections? (Scroll down for the answer if the question is too difficult for you)







    Answer: No 


    5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Failing that, try nzt-48. 


    The manufacturers have asked me to politely request that you stop mentioning their product: Their sales have fallen off a cliff since you started endorsing them.


    5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    15% of the electorate is huge in any election.


    I'll just leave that there.


    5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Not many Muslims would vote for another candidate other than Khan.


    Debatable. The turnout in London was down compared to the last election so it is possible that some Muslim voters stayed away in protest at Labour's position re Gaza. The Labour Muslim vote was down in the other Mayoral and council elections. 


    5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Once you add in the hand wringing white guilt liberals he's got it all sewn up.


    If that's the case then the Tories will never win London again. Imo that is not the case. The Tories suffered from the unpopularity of the Westminster government and having a candidate, who was even more hapless than their previous one, Shaun Bailey (and he was very poor). 


    I'm far from a Khan fanboy. Imo he hasn't been a good Mayor and is far from likeable or popular. A decent Tory candidate a la 'Andy Street' type would have done well.

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