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Posts posted by RayC

  1. 21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Unless we were in the room I don't think we can rely on women regretting past actions to necessarily tell the entire truth. Perhaps an edited version.


    Replace 'women' with 'men' and what do you get? A second pointless comment.


    21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    I did a first aid course back in '92 and on the post course booze up I was astonished at the behaviour of some of the women on the course with the instructors. Basically they were all over them like a rash and it may have led to some shennanigans later. Had they ( or one ) then claimed that the men/ man did something "bad" who could disprove it, though IMO it would have been them to blame? Unfortunately courts seem to believe women over men.


    That wasn't the last time I saw a woman behaving badly and a man being blamed by the ( female ) cop that turned up.


    Therefore, what? Weinstein must be innocent?



  2. 14 hours ago, retarius said:

    You need to start looking at things from a per capita basis. I don't see Russia complaining it has no men to fight at the front. 


    A completely different issue which has little to do with your original implied contention that Ukrainians were questioning their commitment to what you refer to as .. : "vile, corrupt politicians and oligarchs?". I pointed out that the same charge could be levied against Russians.


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  3. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Dunno, but the pamphlet that folk keep dismissing that is given to us is plain enough to me.......Last para........Scan.jpg.11469a254b1eff91d46664088722084f.jpg


    Bottom line is if you try to claim that you are living in the UK when, in fact, you are living in a country where pensions are frozen, you are commenting fraud.


    What penalty is levied seems to depend on the whim of the DWP (and the courts).

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  4. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    My chums pension was reduced to what it should have been at the time THEY said he left the UK....

    He had to paid back the overpayments..........😥


    That seems to contradict the text in the link. Maybe the law re benefit fraud has changed since he was caught out of perhaps, he was just unlucky?🤷


  5. 52 minutes ago, Tiber said:

    If a OAP lives permanently in frozen country and receives unfrozen pension   is that fraud
    If an OAP (Old Age Pensioner) resides permanently in a frozen country and receives an unfrozen pension, it is not fraudulent. Let me explain:.....
     Go look ..... 


    2    https://www.gov.uk/benefit-fraud   no fraud no nothing ,just pure unadulterated unfrozen pension received


    It is clearly fraudulent. What is unclear is what the repercussions might be 


    Whilst the link makes plain that an individual's pension cannot be stopped or reduced, It is also clear from the first section that they have committed fraud if they did not report that they have moved to a country where the pension is frozen. 


    Given that, I would imagine that the DWP would freeze the pension at its' existing rate. The DWP may also decide to prosecute the individual concerned although, in the circumstances, I'd suggest that there is the strong possibility that the DWP might think it is more trouble than it is worth. 

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  6. 43 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Stop playing whataboutery, this topic is about another Islamic extremist that enjoys killing in the name of his Islamic God!



    How am I playing whataboutery?


    I was clear: I'll shed no tears for Alid - or anyone else who practises violence in the name of their God - whatever fate befalls them. 


    However, take a look at the posts in this thread and others.  Many posters tar everyone with the same brush with the implicit message, 'If you are Muslim you are an extremist'. I'm merely pointing out that is not the case and things are a bit more nuanced. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, Foxx said:


    Utterly irrelevant to Christians.  The old rules were ripped up and replaced by the New Covenant, reflected in the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus.

    Can't comment on Judaism, though pretty sure it doesn't reflect current Jewish practice or belief.  Personally, I've generally found Rabbis to be wise and compassionate.


    I know little about theology - and have little desire to deepen my knowledge - but is it really the case that the old rules (Old Testament?) are utterly irrelevant to Christians? A cursory Google search threw up the following extract penned by an American evangelist: 


    "Both the Old and New Testaments make up the Word of God. The New Testament was never given to replace the Old Testament but rather to complete its story."

    You might counter that this by suggesting this is a minority view? However, the point is that there are different interpretations of what it means to be a Christian. Why can't the same logic be applied to Muslims (and the Koran) rather than paint the totality of the religion - and all those who follow it - as evil?


    I've never met a rabbi but I've had 

    friends and acquaintances of various faiths (Buddhists, Christians, Judaism, Muslims). Some I thought clever and decent; others less so. No idea what that proves if anything.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Foxx said:


    What you are calling "Islamic extremist ideology" isn't extremist.  He was simply following the teachings of the Koran and Hadith, and the example of Islam's perfect man, Mohammed.


    To quote from the Koran:

    Surah 2:191:  And kill them [non-Muslims] wherever you find them

    Surah 9:5:  Then kill the disbelievers [non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush

    Of course, apologists for Islam will say that these verses are taken out of context.  But then, that's apparently what Moslems do to justify their violence to Christians and to Jews.


    "If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known,  gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other),  do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people." From the Bible and the Torah (Deuterocanonical 13)


    To be clear, I am not acting as an apologist for Ahmed Alid: I won't shed any tears if he had an unfortunate accident whilst in custody. I am simply pointing that Islam doesn't have a monopoly on violence in the name of religion. 

    • Confused 2
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  9. 5 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:


    How did they fly safely 30 years ago without any GPS navigation system in aircraft?


    Using radar based navigation systems, which now form part of the safety net when GPS is unavailable. Is flying under such conditions unsafe? Absolutely not but the use GPS data offers more precision.


    (I'll admit to some degree of hyperbole in my original post).


    5 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:

    Now GPS is widely used to guide precision weapons and drones at the battlefield.

    It is quite logical to jam the GPS signal in certain locations.

    Elon Musk's satellites are also being jammed over the Ukraine.


    Given the circumstances, Russia's jamming of GPS signals over Ukraine is understandable but in the Baltic? Were there NATO military manoeuvres being carried out in the area? If not, the only reason for jamming GPS signals would be to disrupt civil activity. So far as aviation - and other forms of transport - is concerned, the risk to life by doing so is negligible but it is not non-existent. 

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  10. 22 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:



    I know exactly what I am writing, thankyou.



    Antisemitism, as such, is not a criminal offence. The law does not punish people for holding thoughts or beliefs, however unpleasant these may be. The same applies to Holocaust denial and criticism of Israel.

    It is only when people start to act on those thoughts or beliefs that the law steps in. It punishes actions rather than attitudes.


    You cannot prosecute an individual for holding anti-Semitic thoughts and beliefs, but if those thoughts or beliefs are expressed in word or deed then the individual could, quite rightly, be prosecuted under the provisions of the Hate Crime law.


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  11. 16 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Of course not. That would be ridiculous. 


    Immigration should be tightly controlled so that the people who come and a) not extremists b) have a skill that that country needs and c) have a willingness to integrate. 


    The level should also be limited so that the existing culture is not eroded.


    The requirements you outline are effectively in operation in the UK currently.


    The UK government doesn't enforce the second requirement regarding skills for refugees which imo is correct given that these individuals are fleeing persecution.


    At what level does immigration start to erode the existing culture? What criteria should be employed to measure this?

  12. 16 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    When you import conflicts from around the world into western suburbs this is the result. 


    Sydney, London, Paris. All recent examples.


    Fortunately diversity is their greatest strength :laugh:.


    Homogenous societies must really be wondering where they went wrong. 😂 I bet the likes of Japan are rushing through legislation to get more of this type of thing into Japanese cities...


    So if homogeneous societies are a better model as you imply, should all countries 1) stop immigration and 2) repatriate immigrants? 

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