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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. The Pattaya SAS troop are not in town at the moment. They are away for a reunion.
  2. I don't worry about Father time sneaking up on me but I no longer buy green bananas.
  3. Here's a better idea, dig down into your own coffers and pay it out of your own ill gotten gains, rather than preying on the poor and venerable. If only you had used some of the daily donations that you collect to shore up the building rather than your own bank account.
  4. I thought that someone had dug out a photograph of me in my 30s, then I realised that I was never that skinny.
  5. Thailand’s CPF to develop “hybrid” proteins with Future Meat Mmmm, cardboard flavoured meat, sounds absolutely delicious. ????
  6. Great coverage but I'm still not sure if she was 20 minutes late or 5 years. It might be relevant to the story. ????
  7. The woman in this story probably got bored and replaced the younger man with someone her own age Precisely, and in this case it looks like Mr. A was the new model.
  8. I am not saying a sugar relationship is wrong but in this case it might be a factor in the incident. From the sugar relationships that I have seen, the younger girl usually come out of the relationship better than the younger man. In a sugar mother relationship, the young man tends to fall in love with the mother figure and then takes it very badly when sugar mommy gets bored and moves on. I am not saying that this is the case every time but I have seen enough male sugar babies who have been so wound around their sugar momma’s finger that the (mostly) inevitable split has left them not knowing whether they are coming or going. just my personal observations.
  9. From the linked story 'Don Hualor police later arrested the main suspect nearby, Mr. Pattanayu Sumotayakun, 22' Bit of an age gap there, his ex must be nearly as old as his mother.
  10. Green Light Sought for Water Fights A water pistol would be better. ????
  11. I blame the cultural shift on Maradonnas hand of god. It's so very easy to blame all of the world's ills onto a scum-sucking cheat, so I will agree with you. ????
  12. Was the mezzanine floor part of the original structure?
  13. the super rich owner As opposed to a poor owner of a 30M THB Bentley owner, glad that has been cleared up. ????
  14. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
  15. Aaah, the 'apologists' view. Not my country, not my problem. For God's sake, grow a pair.
  16. I don't agree with this. In my view the OP did nothing wrong in calling out a cheat, in fact it was the correct course to take for a sensible caring adult. You cannot hide bad actions behind culture, do you accept that Thais should accept corruption because it is ingrained into their culture? Why should the OP, who volunteers his own time to the children, have to tread lightly so as to not offend a cheat who has no remorse for their actions or attitude? If my children were are caught cheating, I hope that they are called on it. If children are not taught what is right and wrong, what chance do we have with a future?
  17. I was here for both coups but I honestly cannot remember artilary pieces on the streets of Bangkok. So again, please define your understanding of Artillery.
  18. I find it odd that the police can't see a motorcycle rider without a helmet, driving in the wrong direction, on a footpath, while checking Facebook on their phone but they can spot a Ganja leaf at 300 paces.
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