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Bert got kinky

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Posts posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Has anyone in the Samutprakarn region had any luck with the 90 day online report?


    I fully understand the reporting window but every time that I try to submit the report I get the message of ‘For further information regarding The 90-day Notification Report Service, please contact the Immigration Branch Office in your residence area’.


    I did manage to get the report to work in August 2016 but since then I have had no luck, despite trying for every 90 day report since.


    I have asked the boss (sorry don’t know her rank) of Samutprakarn Immigration about this but she informed me that as far as she knew the online reporting was working for Samutprakarn Immigration.


    BTW, posting the 90 day report is not an option, as my nearest post office is about 100 meters away from the Immigration office, so I would not gain anything by using this method.


    The party’s four demands are:
    • Upholding the Monarchy
    • The government must not engage in conflict with the people
    • The government must be stable and have majority support in the House
    • The party’s policies must be accepted

    So what happened to the recent statement that Bhumjaithai would only join a coalition if the 'free kanja' (ganja) policy was accepted.

    Is this one of the party policies that must be accepted, it is not clear in the article.

    This is the reason that you got so many votes so please don't let down the people who backed you.





    A Hopeful Pothead Esq.

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  3. How can someone who has been educated to a high enough degree as to pass medical school be so stupid to believe that people accept the crock that this clown is spouting?


    As mentioned already in this thread, medical MJ is not available yet and when it is available it will be prescribed for a very few chronic illnesses, so how are doctors managing to prescribe CBD oil for stomach ache, insomnia, high blood pressure, muscle pains and anxiety?

    Why is their no mention in the story of police action against the ‘drug addled’ smoker, who turned himself in to the hospital (knowing that he could be arrested) with stomach ache and nausea.


    If the CBD oil is not coming from doctors, where is it coming from?

    I presume that CBD oil would be much harder to get in Thailand (if not impossible) than normal weed.


    Why have other countries that have legalized MJ (either for medical or recreational) not encountered these problems?

    Why were these problems not apparent in the thousands of years that MJ was used as a medicine before the prohibition era?


    Why are the only negatives about CDB oil coming from doctors, why have no documented cases been published?

    We all know that if these claims were true then the Thai press would be scrambling to interview any of the ‘patients’ in this story.


    In the 60s many people were duped into believing the ‘Reefer madness’ claims but that was in a time before the information highway, which allows us to carry out their own research and download actual medical studies/tests.


    ‘Real’ doctors must be cringing at Dr. Akhasilp’s claims in his effort to try to discredit marijuana.

    Any doctor who knowingly impedes medicinal progress is an embarrassment to their profession and should be struck off.



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  4. 14 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    I am surprised at members saying they were treated rudely by the Embassy as that is not really one of their trademarks. I admit they can pontificate at great length but not in a rude manner I have found.


    Next, people need to accept that British people having problems are dealt with as a consular matter in a specific section of the Embassy. A lot of the departments operate very much independently within the Embassy walls. Some people feel that the Embassy is there purely to sort out their mistakes and errors of judgement, which it most certainly is not.


    I too believed the above until it was actually explained to me by an Embassy officer ' off the record ' Do I think there is an awful lot of nonsense and partying that goes on at the WE

    I am surprised at members saying they were treated rudely

    I am not surprised in the slightest.

    Every time that I have had to deal with Embassy in Bangkok I have dealt with rude arrogant staff.


    The worst ones to deal with are the Thai staff, who believe that they are above the people that they have to deal with and as such they look down on everyone. 


    I never understand why anyone who does not like dealing with the 'great unwashed' would take on a job that puts them in that position.

    That would be like being petrified of heights and becoming a steeplejack. 



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