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Posts posted by MartinBKK

  1. I've been using True's SME 1mbps service for a year and have hardly had any problems. I live in Sukhumvit and rely on the internet for my business. If it isn't working i don't make any money. I would estimate i have been unable to use the service for around 3 days since i had it installed and i have been satisfied with the speeds. It is nowhere near as quick as the UK however.

  2. area rugs?

    Try the NGO shop (Royallly sponsored?? next to the DoiTung Coffee shop in Suan Lum)

    If all else fails you could always go out to seacon square... it is a massive shopping centre full of furniture, rugs etc.

    Good Luck :o

    Im looking for some INEXPENSIVE rugs. I have tried MBK and Seacon already. Anyone got any ideas?


  3. UK male 18yrs in Thailand looking for a new and challenging position with a resort/hotel in thailand. Any readers have any info, let me know.

    Is that "18 years in Thailand" ???

    Bloody hel_l I might have just read the post totally wrong - if so OP ignore my post!!!!

    Or I might have... :o

    I think the OP might have A LOT of experience!!!!

  4. Do you really think a college degree is that important? I have a good degree from a top UK university and i don't think it has helped me particularly. I tried to get into banking after i left University but found it extremely difficult to get a job. I was lucky i fell into something else after a year of looking but this was through a family contact. Degrees are now extremely epensive and those students without financial help from parents graduate with huge debts in the UK and even more so in the United States.

    My TGF has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Bangkok university and she has found things the same here as I did back in the UK. She graduated over a year ago and is still looking for a job.

    Out of the people i keep in touch with from University the most successful are the ones who dropped out and got into the world of work before the financial services cull in 2003.

    Some of the ones who graduated still work in low paying temporary jobs even though they all have excellent qualifications and all the required skills for higher paying jobs. Before people come out and say "they must be lazy" or "they aren't trying hard enough" believe me they are.

    Unless you have graduated recently you don't realise that a good degree does not automatically equal a good job and bright prospects.

    Adam. My son is 23, In the military with his whole life ahead of him just like you. I suggested to him to see the world and experiece it all. He told me he wants too. I told him like I'd tell you. Don't get married until your about 30. There is a whole big world out there full of women at every turn. Your very young and things change! I would also strongly recommend that you get a college degree under your belt. You'll have more options and open doors. Just stop and think of all your options!!!! The real world out there takes quite a bit of money to support a wife and family. I only hope for your sake that your not one of those "got to have it now types" Usually that doesn't pan out to well. When you think, make sure it is with the head on your shoulders and not the other.

    Good luck kid. You got the world by the balls and you don't even know it!!!!!!!!!

  5. Let me get this straight, you’re 22 years old, your single but have a Thai girlfriend, you have a job that pays quite well and you travel to Thailand three times a year.

    Now on the assumption that I got all that correctly my advice is as follows:

    Cut the trips to Thailand, save some money, quite your job, go to Europe, see the UK, see Scotland and Ireland (maybe get a job in London for six months or more), go to France, Italy, Greece, go skiing in the Alps, spend a month or more in Berlin, go to Hungary and spend some time in Budapest. Visit Scandanavia, spend a few summer weeks up in Norway. Get yourself over to New York, Colorado, LA, go to Mexico and spend a while in Cuba.

    hel_l there’s a whole world out there.

    Good advice, My middle son was 22 when he first came here, fell in Love with Thailand would have done ANYTHING to stay....... I told him he was far to young ..go home and forget LOS for now, find a decent English girl and do what MOST people do......Now he HAS a GREAT G/F ..GREAT JOB, is VERY HAPPY....to bring her here on holiday and then go home.

    But there were difficult times when he could only visualise living here... Its OK for reprobates like me as I am old enough and did my first 49 years in the UK achieving my goals (except fot 3 bad marriages)...Take the advice given here... if you are still dreaming of Thailand in 30 years ...come back..although many of us will be long gone by then..but there will always be others to take our places :o

    But you will have moved on with your life by then and remember it as a fond distant memory

    Good Luck mate


    Why do you need to follow what "MOST people do?". I think someone of 22yrs is old enough to decide for themselves what they want to do with their own life. Im 27 and i moved here just over a year ago. I have travelled extensively but there is nowhere i would rather be than Thailand. I am very happy here and I certainly have no intention of going back to the UK. Whilst there is a lot of good advice here only you can decide what you want to do and where your priorities lie.

  6. I have lived in Sukhumvit Soi 13 for almost a year and have been using TRUE'S SME 1Mbps service. I have hardly had any problems with it and I rely completely on the internet for my living. It is not as good as ADSL back in the UK but for Thailand I have been satisfied with it. It costs 2500 Baht per month.

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