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Posts posted by MartinBKK

  1. I live in Bangkok and have been going to Pattaya for the weekend quite a lot recently.

    I am yet to find a decent hotel. I last stayed at the Mercure which was ok apart from the fact it was right next to a building site. I want to find a quiet one, that has a comfortable bed, proper pillows and decent curtains where i can sleep during the day time. I would also like to have internet access (ideally in my room).

    My budget is around 1000-1500 baht per night.

    I'd appreciate some recommendations.

  2. As i have posted in another thread i spoke to an agent a few weeks ago and she told me that sales were "extremely slow" and this was before this weeks events.

    Most people seem to think that the political uncertainty is going to drag on for around a year. Whatever you think of Thaksin the fact is a democratically elected leader has been removed from power. I would feel extremely uncomfortable investing my cash in a country where an event like this is possible and im sure im not alone.

    Add to this the new visa regulations i have to say im very glad i rent my apartment. I dont think you will have big queues of people wanting to buy property here in the short term.

  3. The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

    If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

    Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

    Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

    Hmmmm - You can't have it both ways. Are the people living here on VOA's considered tourists or not? Are these people included in your figure of 17%? Do you know how this figure was calculated?

    If i spend 1000 baht on a meal in a restaurant is that expenditure from a tourist? Is that included in your 17%? These figures are not quantifiable. Wake up to the fact farangs are a big slice of Thailand and this legislation is going to have severe economic repercussions.

  4. All those that are writing smug comments about these new regulations ridding Thailand of farang scum need to think more carefully. This is going to affect you big time let me assure you. Do you own a property here? Do you have a business? Do you have a lot of your cash in Baht? Fortunately i have none of these and im very glad i don't because it's these people who should be concerned.

    I've been here for 2 years and i know how important farangs like myself are to this economy. I am under 50, do not work illegally, have an adequate income to support myself in Thailand and have always obeyed and respected the law during my stay here. I support a TGF and family (and do not wish to marry), i employ a maid and rent 2 properties in BKK. If Thailand do not wish for me to stay here any longer then i certainly respect this decision. It is their own country and they set the laws. I will return to the UK it is not a problem for me. However, i just hope they truly understand the consequences of their actions. I would hate to see innocent, hard working Thai people suffer as a result of this and i am convinced that they will.

    I also think it is a little offensive to say that if you don't have a lot of cash then that person is scum. I know some very nice people who live here who don't have a lot of money. They have enough to support there simple lifestyle and are law abiding citizens. They are not taking anything from Thailand they are only giving.

    It's no big deal to many of the farangs who have to go back to the US or the UK, it is a much bigger deal for Thailand.

  5. I have been living here for a year on VOA's. I rent 2 properties in Bangkok, support a TGF (and family) and also employ a maid. My income is derived from outside Thailand and im 27 years old. Could the people who have been going about this being a good thing just get the correct visa please point out which visa i can obtain because i have to point out that there isn't one. I am not interested in getting married to anyone at this point in my life and do not wish to invest USD 85000 in Thailand thanks.

    It seems in a months time i have no choice but to return to the UK and my TGF and maid are out of luck. Please correct me if this is not the case.

    This is really going to hit the property market and economy big time. Glad i never bought a property here.

  6. I quite agree there is nothing wrong with tuk tuk's if they take you to your destination at the agreed price. More often than not this isn't the case though. What happens is they agree a price with a tourist and half way to the destination when they don't have a clue where they are, demand that they spend half a day visiting jewellery stores. If they decline this request they will then refuse to continue to the agreed destination at the agreed price leaving the tourist stuck in the middle of nowhere. Frequently they become quite aggressive at this point. Amazing Thailand indeed.

    It is my experience that this happens all over BKK not just in Sukhumvit. Don't you think it would be a lot easier and fairer if they were all fitted with meters?

  7. JD i don't think you understand where the OP is coming from. He is making a general comment about tuk tuk's in BKK which i think is quite a valid one. They are damned annoying and tell blatant misleading lies to confused tourists.

    Or maybe you do understand and are just trying to be annoying?

  8. I have 75% of my money in US $ and i sleep really well at night.

    For those that think the $ is going to dive perhaps they could tell us where the Dollar/Pound, Dollar/Euro and Dollar/Baht rates will be in 6 months from now, 1 year from now and 5 years from now. I will be very interested to keep a record of these predictions.

    I am from the UK but own a home in the USA. I travel to both countries frequently and IMHO the £ is already overvalued.

  9. Im still looking for a studio or 1 bedroom apartment in Sukhumvit.

    Ideally near to Nana BTS but other locations could be ok if near to the BTS.

    Must have wifi internet or direct phone line.

    Looking for a short term lease eg 3 months.

    If anyone can provide me with the names of serviced places/hotels which i can rent on a monthly basis i would be very grateful if you could PM me the info.

    Many thanks.

  10. I am looking for a studio in Sukhumvit Suites (Soi 13) or somewhere similar around that location.

    Don't really want anything smaller than 40sqm.

    Must have direct phone line. UBC a bonus.

    Price should be around 13,000 baht per month.

    I only want to sign a 3 month lease initially although i could well extend this further.

    I am looking to move immediately, if you have something please contact me ASAP.

  11. I currently have an SME internet ADSL package from CSLoxinfo which costs me 2500 baht per month. This is 1024/512 kbps. This gives me a fixed ip which i really have no need for. I find the service so so and have had some downtime. I also have problems when i use a splitter to connect my telephone. I find it is much more reliable if i just plug the modem into the wall directly and dont bother having a telephone at all. I am thinking of switching to the home package and saving myself 1500 baht per month.

    Anyone any experience with these packages?

    Is it worth paying an extra 1500 baht?

    Any advice appreciated.


    PS. I used to have True SME (at another house) and amazingly found this better.

  12. I quite fancy buying a car here (and registering it in my own name) so i have set about trying to get a non-immigrant B visa. I went to see a lawyer and he has written a couple of letters for me indicating that i am looking for an investment in Thailand (this is not completely untrue) and told me i now need to go to the Thai embassy in Singapore. I need to take nothing more than my passport and his letters.

    I currently live in Thailand on visa on arrival stamps. I am 27 years old and have been here for 14 months and i do not have a work permit. My income comes entirely from from online trading, i am NOT working in Thailand without a work permit.

    I would be grateful if someone could let me know what the requirements are for the non-immigrant B and if i do go to Singapore if i have a good chance to get one.


    Without a Work permit, you will need a Certificate of Residence (proof of Address) with any Non-Immigrant visa.

    Thanks for the input Noel. I have been told by a lawyer that i will not need this so if the lawyer is incorrect i will be rather annoyed.

    Can anyone else confirm what Noel has said? Is a certificate of residence definitely required?

  13. I quite fancy buying a car here (and registering it in my own name) so i have set about trying to get a non-immigrant B visa. I went to see a lawyer and he has written a couple of letters for me indicating that i am looking for an investment in Thailand (this is not completely untrue) and told me i now need to go to the Thai embassy in Singapore. I need to take nothing more than my passport and his letters.

    I currently live in Thailand on visa on arrival stamps. I am 27 years old and have been here for 14 months and i do not have a work permit. My income comes entirely from from online trading, i am NOT working in Thailand without a work permit.

    I would be grateful if someone could let me know what the requirements are for the non-immigrant B and if i do go to Singapore if i have a good chance to get one.


  14. If people want to complain let them complain. Let them exercise their right to free speech in a "democratic" country.

    What's more annoying is seeing people whinge about the whingers. Now they must have a lot of spare time!!!!

  15. I have a lady who comes for about 3hrs 3 times per week to do general cleaning and laundry.

    I pay her 4000 baht per month but she does have to commute from Sukhumvit area (about 45 mins by bus).

    She speaks excellent English and is very trustworthy. I guess i overpay her a little but if you find one who does a good job it pays to take care of her IMHO.

  16. I used to pay 40000+ a month to rent an apartment in Sukhumvit.

    Now i rent a BRAND NEW 5 storey townhome near to Seacon Square for 8000 baht per month. Great deals are possible but you have to move away from the BTS. I am not near the BTS i am a 10-15 min cab ride away.

    If you need to be near the BTS apartments are available within your budget. I can't understand posters who say they arent i just saw a studio for rent in Soi 4 Sukhumvit for 10,000 baht yesterday. The further you move away from Nana the cheaper the price. I had a friend who rented a studio for 5000 baht per month in Sukhumvit 93. It was a 5-10 min motorbike ride to the BTS but the place itself was perfectly decent, clean and had TV and aircon.

    The On Nut area has many of these however im not sure they fit into your "green" living ideal. If you want somewhere "green" and quiet i think you will have to move away from the BTS.

  17. I have recently been in the market for a new air con and i went to at least 5 different shops.

    The advice i got was that for a room of 20sqm 13000 BTU is needed. This advice was given by 4/5 shops with the other saying that 16000 BTU was necessary.

    I bought a Daikin 13000 BTU and it cools the room just fine.

  18. In order of importance:

    1) Two mobile phones (attached to your belt and to be used at all times).

    The Club I play at in Bangkok has a very strict rule about Mobile 'phones on the course - enforced rigorously in competitions and usually invoked at the start of any serious play between individuals.

    If a Players' 'phone rings at any time during the round:

    Stroke Play - 2 stroke penalty

    Match Play - loss of hole

    Unfortunately at the moment there is no sanction available if the Caddy has a 'phone - as most of them do these days of course: I played on Tuesday morning and smack in the middle of my Tee shot an a par 5 my Caddy's 'phone erupted with that very seasonal and traditional Thai melody "we wish you a Merry Christmas".



    Just finished a round today and my caddy spent most of the time talking on her mobile phone!!!

  19. staccyy,

    Your post is so different from my experiences, I don't know if you're simply trolling, or haven't tried hard enough. During the last 20 years I live in CA, I used a POB for everything: credit cards, insurance, driver's license, car registration. I never had any problems whatsoever. Now that I moved to BKK, and am working in Shangahi for a couple years, I use the internet to pay my bills. Why haven't you figured out how to do this. I'm using a friend's mailing address in FL, and got a driver's license (as another poster noted, FL has no state sales tax. One credit card company called my relative and asked why I had so many charges in China. That was solved with a single phonecall. The bank in the US uses my FL address. My investment house, and there are several, refuse to deal with clients outside of the US, unless they have a presence in that country. Since they don't have offices in either Thailand or China, I use the FL address. What's so hard about that?

    Many banks will not send mail to a P.O.Box.

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