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Posts posted by MartinBKK

  1. Harmonica has given the best advice i've read on this thread.

    Now is the time to accumulate dollars. The market has never been so anti-dollar and this opportunity will not come around again for many years. When the EURO was introduced there was a lot of negativity regarding that and many people said it was doomed to fail. Whats happened to the Euro? It is now at record high levels against all major currencies and many people consider it the best currency to hold.

    Time changes things, sentiments change. Time has the power to heal even the deepest wounds. There is very much an anti american feeling right now. There was very much an anti German feeling after the two world wars and look what happened there. Germany is now one of the strongest and influential members of the EU (and the key to the introduction of the EURO).

    It won't be long until George Bush leaves office, the unpopular Iraq war will also come to an end. The anti- american feeling will eventually subside as will the problems regarding their huge current account defecit which is now impacting their currency significantly. Succesful investors are those that are buying when everyone else is selling. History has shown us this, i could give you at least 20 examples right off the top of my head. Take the financial crisis here in 1997 as one.

    Im buying dollars right now and doing so with confidence.

  2. I have to agree about the taxis - everyday i am refused by half the taxis i attempt to get in no matter if my distance is short or far.

    I can't really work out where they want to go but it is very annoying!!!!

  3. This is very interesting and just confirms to me that TRUE is a mickey mouse company. What is policy for one customer is clearly negotiable for another.

    In both the shops we approached he was asked for a work permit. When we explained the situation we were flatly told that they could not help. There was no effort to ask for a copy of his lease, there were no questions about the sort of visa he had in fact there was no attempt to help whatsoever (he has a 2 month tourist visa). No work permit = no internet or phone service.

    Quite clearly written on the application form is that a work permit is required. It doesnt say anything about a copy of lease being acceptable where a work permit is not possible. After the discussion we held in the shop im quite sure that if another document was acceptable that this would have been suggested to us. I guess you never know though as this is Thailand!!!!

    NB. One of the shops we went in was also Fortune in Rathchada.

  4. Did you say months of super-fast internet? Im sorry but i don't believe you!!!!

    I may have misused the word suprefast, but besides the taiwan quake my true connection has been prety good... that is besides today.

    On performing some tests, i noticed only HTTP is affected... mails, ftp, ssh, everything even faster than normal.

    Its likely that their transparent proxy serving my area (or my package or my adsl account) might have been the cause....

    True has been generous to me... When i see others normally cribing abt their internet connections i really didnt understand them untill today :o

    My internet has been ok in the last few days and I have TRUE.

  5. since today evening, my web browsing is really slow.

    After months of superfast internet, today the web pages simply wont load.

    Its been 5 minutes since ive clocked on compose, this page even hasnt loaded fully, as i am typing this. The same case for all sites, even my own site.

    Locally hosted sites open fast.

    Sites which use google adsense seems to suffer more as the page needs to wait for adsense to load fully.

    I am on true@home 2.5 Mbps.

    Do let us know if even you are facing this peoblem.

    PS: Finished typing this post and it is still loading the smileys towards the left.

    Did you say months of super-fast internet? Im sorry but i don't believe you!!!!

  6. Just to update everyone on my original post. I went to a couple of TRUE shops with my friend and we both have been told in no uncertain terms that no work permit = no internet. This is also clearly printed on the application form.

    I applied for the internet around 6 months ago and was not required to produce a work permit so this change has obviously been introduced recently.

    Whether this is the same with all the internet companies i don't know but am now going to start making enquiries.

    I would anticipate a lot of retired guys with no TGF are going to be really inconvenienced in the next few months. Thats right folks, you can own a property here and live here legally on a non-imm visa but you won't be able to get TRUE internet in that brand spanking new condo. I guess you won't be watching UBC either seeing it is the same company and no doubt the new regulation will apply to that too!!!!! Amazing Thailand indeed.

  7. Just a reminder that this thread shouldn't be a discussion of bargirls or prostitution......

    I love Thailand but agree with the OP - i would never marry a Thai there are not many genuine Thai lady's out there and i am not prepared to take care of a huge family (financially). I've learned this whilst living here.

  8. By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

    You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

    Im not sure if this statement is deliberately provocative?

    Are people supposed to take this sort of treatment in a restaurant ZukiSuzuki? Would you have been happy to pay the bill for something you didn't eat or order? The "losing face" issue is tiring and does not excuse all Thais for sloppy service or bad business etiquette. Overcharging is not acceptable whether it is in Thailand or abroad. The waitress spoke to him as if he were stupid, he did not bully or belittle her in any way at all.

    Quite frankly i think he should be commended for the way he handled this unfortunate incident. I just hope that if i ever find myself in this situation i am also able to handle it with the same dignity as the OP.

  9. Today, I asked the front desk at the hotel where I usually stay for a fan because the room was so hot even with the tiny air-con at "full blast". I tried to take a nap today and just stayed awake sweating.

    I was polite and just thought this would be easier than moving me to another room with another bad air conditioner as this hotel has mostly bad ones. I have had to do this before in the past. Anyway, she seemed to think that I was just complaining for fun and told me no fan.

    I told her that there are plenty of hotels in Pattaya and that I would be moving to another one tomorrow.

    She could care less, but I will end up with a much better hotel for a slightly higher price (they didn't tell me that they had raised the price since last time).

    Mai Phen Rai can work BOTH ways! :o

    Nice post Ulysses. This sums up thai attitudes 100%. I've lived here for 2 yrs and i have experienced this sort of thing time and time again.

    I have nothing against Thai people but until they start to appreciate their customers rather than take them for granted this country will continue to stand still.

  10. When i came to Bangkok 2 years ago i had no problem obtaining the internet in my apartment. I just filled out a form and no work permit was needed.

    However, a good friend of mine is trying to get a TRUE Home High Speed internet connection in his new apartment and they are insisting he cannot have one without a work permit. He has spoken to customer service on 2 occasions and each time been told the same. He does not have a work permit as he works online not in Thailand. I am now wondering how all the retired guys are going to feel when they find out they can't get internet without a work permit?

    This is not the first thing like this to happen recently. I am starting to feel a lot less welcome in Thailand. Anybody else share my feelings?

  11. Just to follow up from my original post.

    I submitted a complaints form whilst at Bumrungrad and the next day i was contacted by the hospital to let me know they were investigating what had happened. I explained that the problem i had was the fact the price was different to every other previous visit so why this time was it double. I told them i felt a consultation fee with a GP should be fixed by the hospital and NOT by the doctor.

    They have promised to let me know the outcome so once i know i will post it here.

  12. I have lived in Bangkok for 2 years and any time i have needed a doctor i have always visited Bumrungrad hospital.

    I have been around 4 times for various problems and always found the service and treatment to be excellent. I visited there today however and was charged a doctors fee of 1000 Baht + 120 Baht Medical services fee for literally 2 mins of the doctors time. In my previous visits i have always been charged 500 Baht (most of them at least 10 mins or more). I queried the charge and was told that the fee is at the discretion of the doctor. I pushed things further and explained that during all my previous visits i was charged only 500 Baht. The only exception to this was during my visit a couple of months ago when i needed some stitches in my head at 2 am. The charge then was 750 Baht which i felt was fair enough at that time of night.

    I can't understand how the doctors fee can vary. Surely the fee for a consultation with a GP should be fixed by the hospital. After much discussion with the cashier and then the doctor they reduced my fee today to 750 Baht. I still feel aggrieved by the obvious attempt to rip me off by the individual doctor and so handed my hospital card back to the cashier explaining that next time i needed to visit a doctor it would not be at Bumrungrad. I am actually very disappointed with this experience as i really held this hospital in high regard prior to this.

    I'd be grateful if someone could recommend me an alternative hospital for all my future medical needs.


    NB. I should also point out that my bill today including all drugs was 4100 Baht. I was given some anti viral medication and some anti-biotics. I guess it's hard to make a fair comparison as im not familiar with the cost of the individual drugs but i find it difficult to believe the price would have been anywhere near this at a different hospital.

  13. Im sure this has been asked numerous times before so appologies if thats the case. I've looked back a few pages but can't find a relevant thread.

    I've been working online for the past 4 yrs with something unusual and my ability to make a reasonable income is decreasing for various reasons.

    Apart from that i am also bored with my work and feel im at the stage in my life where im ready for a new challenge. I have built up a small nest egg and am quite keen to try running a small business. I have been in Bangkok for 2 years and am keen to remain here.

    I have 3 friends in Bangkok who are all young business owners. Previously, two of them were in the same position as i am now (similar age and experience) and their businesses are currently doing reasonably well and have been for some time. The thing which continues to put me off is all the negative postings i read on here. When i discuss this with them they tell me that all the negative stuff comes from people who have never tried it for themselves.

    I am therefore keen to listen to advice from people who have actually experienced buying/starting and running a business in Thailand. If you are such a person i would be very grateful if you could post your thoughts here.

    Many thanks.

  14. Thanks for the responses.

    Ajarnmark im sure she can manage to do it by herself but i like to help out with things seeing i have a lot more free time than she does. I am sure this is not an uncommon problem as there must be many Thaivisa users who take a taxi to work every morning so perhaps this thread might also benefit others.

    I thought by having a regular driver i would be able to save some cash as he would be glad of the regular work and might offer a discount on the meter. I also find that recently, whenever i hail a taxi almost 75% do not want to travel to my destination. For example, yesterday i finished my shopping at Carrefour in Rama 4 and it took me around 20 mins to find a taxi that was willing to take me back to Sukhumvit Soi 11. Nobody in the rank was interested so i had to carry my heavy shopping to the main road.

    I dont want my TGF to have this inconvenience every day. I want someone reliable to come to my condo every morning on time and take her to the destination with no fuss. I guess i will try andyashley's suggestion of hailing them down initially then asking them if they wish to come to a regular arrangement.

    Any other advice would be appreciated.


  15. Im looking for a regular taxi service to take my TGF to and from work (Sukhumvit to Sri Nakarin area) Monday thru Friday.

    Rather than getting a metered taxi everyday i was hoping to come to some sort of arrangement with someone. Does anyone else do a similar thing?

    I would be grateful for any help at all.

    Many thanks.

  16. I know how you feel Bendix as i am suffering the same problem.

    I have read quite a few articles that say de-clawing is cruel (my cat is blind and will never go outside) so i would like to find an alternative solution.

    I will PM Bambina the vet. Thanks everyone.

  17. Hi

    Im looking for a good pet store with a large selection of scratching posts for my cat. I know of a couple of stores but i haven't been able to find what im looking for.

    If someone knows of a good one i'd be grateful if they could let me know.


  18. The Nation

    "Police said they were shot and killed on beach chairs on the Jomtien Beach at about 5 am. A security officer of a nearby resort said he heard gunfire and saw a Thai man rushing up from the beach and fleeing on a motorcycle. He checked the beach and found the two Russian women lying dead on the beach chairs."

    What brave chaps these Thais are when they have a gun against two women sun bathing in deck chairs or when there are 12 of them kicking a drunk farang on the ground. No wonder their military is so pathetic - beaten by Laos in 1988, nealy beaten by Burma a couple of times and too cowardly to send reinforcements to help patrols under fire in the South.

    Couldn't agree more with this post - the fact is most Thai people are cowards. I used to think Thai people were caring, kind and genuine. It's amazing how quickly you change your opinion of them when you actually come to live here!!!!

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