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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. There are clearly a lof ot them in Thailand and SEA.
  2. Exactly. They pretend to care so much about local businesses losing money, but that's just a smokescreen to hide their inability to control their alcohol dependency—or simply an excuse to take a dig at the Thais.
  3. A nice pull counter right hook by the Security Guard.
  4. First of all, at that age, he should know better. Secondly, he should understand the limitations of his physical capabilities. In his head, he may have thought he was still a tough guy, but reality soon kicked in and probably gave him the wake-up call he needed.
  5. Oh yeah, I'm certainly not saying I agree with them—I just don't think it's an issue, and I don't understand why people get so freaked out by it. I guess I just feel indifferent about them when you consider the much bigger problems at hand.
  6. The first time I came to Thailand 15 years ago for a vacation, I encountered a Buddhist holiday that I was unaware of. It didn’t affect my vacation at all. I simply respected the tradition and the local laws, and had a good 24 hours without drinking. As I said, it only affects people who are dependent on alcohol.
  7. Let's be real here.. I doubt most ASEAN NOW members care much about how much local businesses lose on Buddhist holidays. Most of the uproar here is likely from people who can't bear the thought of not being able to sit on their barstool and drink from 9 AM to 10 PM with their 20 pints of beer. That's what I'm really referring to.
  8. Do people really struggle to go withoput alcohol just for a few days of the year?
  9. These plane crashes and emergency landings have gotten out of hand recenlty.
  10. these foreigners are getting out of hand
  11. That's true, but you can still find good deals through such dealers—you just need to know what you're looking for and have a trusted mechanic inspect the car before purchasing
  12. No, they are usually priced above market value. It's best to be patient and buy privately. A good rule of thumb for determining a car's true market value in Thailand is to check auction prices or browse Facebook Marketplace under the "sold" listings for the specific model year and mileage you're considering. This will give you a much clearer idea of the car's actual value.
  13. What dýa rekon it was, sherbet powder?
  14. Agreed! I'm sick and tired of these predators who think they can come here and sexually exploit women. Let’s see how long they’d last trying that in their own countries!
  15. Ther bad behavior makes me quite angry
  16. Justleave the poor guy alone... He's good for the country
  17. How do people even get themselves into these situations in Thailand? LOL I've been living here for 13 years, and the only slight issue I ever had was with a mentally ill taxi driver who tried to shortchange me
  18. His bad behavior makes me very angry
  19. Maybeeeee after his naked body was discovered floating in the sea near Patong Beach?
  20. I can almost guarantee that the British guy lost his cool first. Thai people are usually very relaxed, calm, and diplomatic after a collision—at least that's been my experience. Raising your voice, pointing fingers, or showing anger will only provoke a Thai person. If you follow the simple rule of 'sabai sabai' in Thailand, you'll likely avoid the kind of problems the Brit faced.
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