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  1. Firstly they are doing "squats" not sit-ups Secondly and more importantly, why are off duty officers carrying weapons? Thirdly, when was his last performance review and when his drug and alcohol intake monitored, how many others has he intimidated over the period of his "service" with the RTP??
  2. Please find the definition of "reasonable", what are the parameters?
  3. I thought it was understood that prostitution is a protected industry
  4. an bending over to accommodate a friend
  5. Perhaps he could look at his own fraud, after all he is an expert on ripping everyone off
  6. Authorities will try to get you to pay for the ticket or lock you up until they ?negotiate" with your home country, could be a long time in detention centre
  7. I really hope that there are professional supports for both the young girl, long ongoing support and also for her mother When convicted his assets seized and held in trust to support the young girl& mother education housing and safety
  8. Returned to the car next day. overnight business meeting really How did they know the gold was in the car?
  9. Doesn’t ,t want to go back to Russia, May get sent to war front
  10. The disadvantage & trauma some people endure is unbelievable

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