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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Because he may not achieve much with a gun, but can create memories as an entrepreneur. Ship em via Amazon, make money for rebuild of the country?
  2. That is not a surgical team one would want to be part of, especially i he should suffer an anaesthetic incident during any procedure, or if he doesn't, between a rock and hard decision
  3. I have no idea about their own person circumstances or the rules concerning their country of domicile. I made a generalised comment, not one specific to their country.
  4. Many countries either made it impossible to return for a long time, or made it so arduous when they started to open, it was too difficult for many jump through the hoops
  5. Why reopen it? Resolved with a not guilty finding, unless they new evidence, it could be seen as an abuse of process.
  6. Should he attend in person as opposed to virtually, I think all the other leaders need to steer well clear of him and his security, as they could well be targeted by little poisonous pricks, or some other form of chemical exposures, with no antidotes available. .
  7. You let her move in for convenience of having someone to provide food, pleasure and probably home duties, now you live to regret it. Do you rent the house? Is her name on the lease? If not no rights to be there. Pack her goods, give a suitable start up money and get her out the door, change the locks immediately , make sure car or bike are secured and safe. Learn from this mistake, what seems easy in the beginning, seems to be a not good idea for you

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