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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. No, probably believes that natural takes care of natures calls
  2. Stupidity has no cure Borrow one, don’t repay, no more forthcoming under any circumstances
  3. Wrong it is not a Jewish childcare centre, it is in close proximity to a synagogue and a Jewish college, however the childcare centre is owned by a not for profit community cooperative Minimal research would have revealed this fact
  4. He looks First Nation we are very proud of living here, perhaps not the number with First Nation people killed by invaders What does GF have to do with any of this?
  5. He actually looks like a real Australian A First Nations man
  6. Warrior ethos? Pillage, rape, plunder ? Kill to give you democracy as USA are so noted for Invasion to assist the USA economy to sell more arms? Has he any experience except alleged sexual misconduct & a pisshead
  7. He wanted some fresh air on his butt and genitals, letting them free after a sweaty day Seems sensible to me, people parade around thongs & G-strings on the beach and other areas what is wrong with a firm arse ?? Is it because it not female??
  8. I trust that all international and domestic airlines ban him from travelling for ten years I certainly hope the Singaporean prison system give him a decent haircut https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRawt2fAlQcARNVcQITBYx9KHyUmdtkex_Kg&s
  9. I was responding to the post regarding the Australian oppose proposal for SMR
  10. Dutton promised costing months ago so far done released because LNP have none Polls do not indicate acceptance of the idea The glaring gaps and unanswered questions in the Coalition’s nuclear plan and costings
  11. Uncertainties in estimating production costs of future nuclear technologies: A model-based analysis of small modular reactors https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544223015980
  12. So this was not recent experience for her, happened years ago, it was the recollection of a 61 year from many years ago,
  13. It would be great if the USA considered it's name United States of America I have never seen a less appropriate name, nothing United about it I had hoped that some person/s may have tried to bring the population together, but those being elected or appointed seem to have one aim Divide Lie Spread Hate "Other" those not the same as you Line their own pockets at the expense of the taxpayers
  14. Speaking of tedious Look in the mirror
  15. You & I both know that "fight" in this case was not about going to a polling place and casting a vote You are being disingenuous, knowing full well that mobs do not take "prayer books" to fights, even you would know the that many US citizens have the right to conceal carry, mob rule takes over as it did during the Salem Witch hunts where they often went with pitch forks , as some did this time Ole Bon Spurs is a coward and wants people harmed as long as he remains protected. Read the sworn statements of people who there with him on day, peace is something he did not want, he made that clear. Calling people traitors is no an incitement to peace, you know that
  16. That was long after his original statement, He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen
  17. Coconut milk & or cucumber helps with hot chilli until you acclimatise to it
  18. Ok, Just encouraging them to take over Congress, there are tapes of it exact words on encouraging them to march to congress and said he would meet them there "If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore".
  19. Peaceful? I feel his call to arms on Jan 06 for his supporter to storm congress was less than peaceful deaths and injuries
  20. Using terms such as you have listed is a display of lack of intellectual rigour
  21. You use "woke" as though it is a bad thing, obviously misunderstand the meaning of the word, being for many is not an insult Definition: Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used to refer to a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, Trump often doesn't know what is saying or meaning, frequently just rambles on with a constructive narrative, Trump is the biggest salad maker
  22. I have never used the term conspiracy anywhere I said it my only use of MAGA is saying they are stupid I am allowed to posit an opinion, as are you allowed yours It is part of a democratic notion to have robust debate which does not have to be in agreement.
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