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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Their return ticket has probably been cancelled & they probably have a non refundable ticket and no insurance
  2. I bet his travel insurance doesn’t cover his medical expenses
  3. Foreign volunteers were seen meditating and consoling some foreign men near the east side of Bangla Road. Breathe deeply, close you eyes & see your fist smashing into his face" Breathe out slowly, let the anger build, Breathe Deeply and clench your fist and set your jaw tight Hold that breathe>>
  4. You would think that all Russians whether inside or outside the country would know to stay away from open windows and balconies above the first floor
  5. The dogs have prior attacks and we not euthanised ? Why not? Owners need to be charged and face the courts Dogs like these need constant supervision and monitoring by responsible owners, who are capable of securing and maintaining a dog with the constancy of discipline for the dogs Dogs are not a big an issue , the owners need to be licenced IMHO Dogs are not well maintained here all too often unfortunately
  6. Has he committed any crime in Thailand? He may been convicted in Australia? He may be on the wanted list but has he been convicted? Perhaps we have judicial trials for reasons to ascertain guilt, rather just incarcerating others on accusations
  7. That amount not covered by travel insurance for cash loss im calling BS on the claim
  8. Gathered by the onlookers videoing the scene . Will this be a claim under travel insurance for cash loss:)?? OOps no threw it over the balcony thinking I was Eva Peron.
  9. Too many men have a sense of entitlement No means No, not maybe you really want to
  10. Oh the Chinese will love that Able to launder money easier Impoverished Thai become absolutely destitute Domestic Violence will increase Cannot think of one positive
  11. If its a successful ring , that is a bloody lot of baby shoes, they would be buying factory consignments
  12. That was convenient and lots of beneficiaries of largesse to not find him
  13. Unaware of any jurisdiction where statute of limitations once charged and bailed then skipping bail Surprised though the information remained in the Immigration system after all this time and the many changes occurring in the data system over that period
  14. Irony & sarcasm escapes you it seems How times have we seen phot ops of taxi driver returning thousand of $ left and jewellery ?? Never seen one from a Bolt doing the same ,have you?
  15. Had they been in a taxi, it would have been back with them by now, left with police for photo op
  16. Concerns: This torture of children had obviously been systematic and ongoing for some time before the latest victim died. "The neighbours could not bare the abuse any longer". Why did they not call police a long time ago Why didn't the school authorities know the 12 yr old was be abused ? Behaviour? skin condition? abrasions?? The neighbours obviously turned a blind eye to it for some time, why? The surviving children will be traumatised for life, because adults failed to protect them
  17. He had filmed a previous encounter with her, and was found filming this one Possibly selling on "dark web" , there is very large market for under age sex videos, several thousand consumers of online under vidoes arrest over past few years, material made and sold across the globe.
  18. Macron was adult when their relationship began, the student is 16 years age, student being the operative word. Teachers have a professional responsibility towards students The teacher is in a position of power over the student, so the age difference is immaterial
  19. No one deserves to be kicked, cowards kick people when they are on the ground. This is not security/crowd control, this is unmitigated thuggery, the person was on the ground could have been frog marched away from the precinct.
  20. Rope from his pants? What all 120cm of cotton rope, I think not Hardly strong enough or long enough to hang yourself I'm finding this a little bit unbelievable
  21. Yes beating them up is bad enough, however killing them seems a little over the top even for Thailand
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