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  1. In the early 90's, Thai used to have foreign pilots on some of their domestic routes.
  2. An annual event, seems to be a bit more severe this year than normal.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 100 seconds  
  4. Has anyone on here recently had mains water connected to a property? I'm just trying to work out the costs, meter will be approx 50m from the mains supply. Thanks in advance.
  5. I remember that. Didn't he try to cross into Cambodia before he was caught?
  6. If you have Perfect TV, go into the settings and change the codecs, it might cure the buffering problems. I have had Pulse/Perfect for years and Pulse in my opinion was way way better than Perfect.
  7. Is this a wind up? Probably one of the most ignorant racist posts I've ever seen on this board.
  8. Hat Manoa, Kkoa Lak, Khanom, Pak Meng (Koh Muk) and Tham Morrokot, just a few off the top of my head, all beautiful and quiet.
  9. There is a Koh Chang off the coast of Ranong which is close to the Thai/Myanmar border.
  10. Why the hell would a 40/50 year old man (no matter where he comes from) be interested in a 16 yr old teenager whom he cannot communicate with? Go back 10yrs, he would have been 30/40 and she would have been 6! Sickening. 🤢🤮
  11. 1. ONE completed TM7 - 2 pictures. 2. Proof of funds. 400K for I think it has to be in your bank for 2 months before and a month after your application or something like that. Bank Letter + Bank Book. The bank letter/book must be updated the SAME DAY AS THE APPLICATION. Some offices like to see a transaction on the day too. 3. Photos of you and your wife around the house. One with you outside clearly showing the House Number and 2 inside the house. 4. Marriage certificate and updated Kor Ror 2 5. Wife’s ID and House Book 6. Driver’s License (photocopied) 7. Map to your residence. 8. Passport and departure card (photocopied) 9. House book/Copy of rental agreement or lease
  12. 33+ years here, never, not once ever had a problem.
  13. There are some very very gullible people out there .....
  14. Apologies for the late reply. Age gap 5 years, married in 1992 which made me 29 and the Mrs born 1967, so 26. Next? 3 years difference.
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