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Posts posted by South

  1. MiniVDO: Most residents agree with the construction of a bridge linking Lanta Noi and Lanta Yai islands in Krabi.


    A final public meeting on the plan for construction of a bridge linking Lanta Noi and Lanta Yai islands of Krabi have reached an agreement on the plan design. The participants comprised local community leaders and the general public. The Krabi Governor Siwa Sirisaowalak concluded that the consultant, who carried out the plan design and environmental impact, has conducted surveys and questionnaires and these indicated that residents, especially on Lanta Island agreed that the construction of the bridge be carried out as an urgent matter to ease transportation problems. He said if the project gets a green light from the Environmental Board, the provincial authority would push for it to be included in the 2010 fiscal budget. The project is estimated to cost over 300 million baht to build.

    Andaman News NBT (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Monday 16 June 2008 & http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/ Contact [email protected]

    So they want to build a bridge between Lanta Yai and Lanta Noi. Wouldn't you have thought that a bridge between the mainland and Lanta Noi would be more appropriate? That's where the longest waits are.

  2. South, I dont take to many things that seriously. But this one struck a nerve, since I have spent a few years with VTR. What did I do to get off his friend list??? Just want to know..


    Aquaintances will be there trying to bail you out. A real friend will be there, stood next to you saying, "We really <deleted> up this time." Tis why aquaintances are way better, true friends are few and far between.


  3. Simple - The locals have no concept of traffic regulations and/or safety. That along with their inbred lack of driving skills is a recipe for accidents.

    I agree with this first sentence but I think the second is rather harsh... :o

    I think when you grow up around cars and motorbikes you become skilled in driving them. Thais are not bad drivers..they're just not educated or regulated in such a way that they follow a predictable driving pattern.

    Chris, spend a few hours at a driving test centre and watch them going around the course. They're on the pavement, knocking bollards over and as for hill starts and reversing, hysterical to watch. And then after doing all that, they're then issued with a licence allowing them legally on the road! - they (the vast majority) have no concept whatsoever.


    Adam is coming of age on the 31st, but we're celebrating on Saturday 2nd February. Sorry, we can't cater, but Palm's Tavern (Sean's restaurant) will have an ENORMOUS cake for the occasion. You are hearby encouraged to come and shake y'r booty all over the place, in style, to wish Adam for his day. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Adam! (You'll be the same age as me!)


  5. :o So it happened today, I went over to my friends house to pick up a "Toy" before lunch :D . Driving from his house to the largest intersection in NST the traffic came to an halt, I slowed down as usual till a complete stop.

    After standing there for a almost 10 seconds someone bumped into me from behind ;) , I was driving my Vigo :D (3rd class insurance) and he was driving an old toyota corolla (10 years +) :D

    I stood in the road as I see the Thais do all the time and got out of my car with a smile. The poor Thai guy almost shat :bah: himself when he saw a farang. My Thai mate came out too, to help with the scared Thai guy. :o

    No insurance, No money, no nothing was his side he only had (1000B) which I did not want. The cost of a new rear bumper is about 3000 (copy) to 6000 (original) baht. So how bad should I be to this poor guy?

    The 1000B that he had would not cover the damage, and since he has no insurance what should he do?

    I got his license and 3 witnesses signed a letter stating that he now owns me some money and that he should pay within 5 days... (rear bumper or cash).

    I was just watching this as my Thai mate fixed it all for me (great help) and we were both laughing going away from the scene... Sure I can pay for a new rear bumper (but I dont want to), so we will see. What will happen in a week or so??? I am excited... :bah:

    Have a go at me for letting him go... go on, i dare you all

    Don't stop then! Simple.


  6. HI

    Like Nike say it: Just DONT do it.

    Then again it can be done, a friend of mine got his spicial build HD in, he did have to pay 250.000, 90.000 for the book, the rest for, well who knows, but that was cheap

    For an HD? Hope that is Vietnamese Dong you're talking about. :o

  7. Just wanting to get some advice from others about sex toys and bondage stuff!! My wife is expecting our second child in a few weeks and after the child is born we want to spice up the bedroom activites with something different. Any idea's and suitable tools would be great..

    Thanks in advance :o

    Get the mia noi to join in! :D

  8. Hey a bike is a bike and snowflake you might have the biggest bike around BUT CAN YOU RIDE IT?????

    In over thirty years of bike riding (which included one period in the UK on a race track) most of the guys I met who bragged about engine size had not a clue how to use their machines unlesss they were going in a atraight line.

    Small bikes are great on the real twisty bits and I rarely see a road here that is suitable for anything over 250cc.

    A 165 tumble in the uk has temporarily suspended my motorcycling days but this year I shall be buying something.

    No need for a big bike on these roads---and if I ever see you round here on your machine I will show you how to really ride Snowflake.


    :o (can't find a yawn smiley)

  9. There are a few nice spots in Krabi Province , the most popular being AuNang , only 14 km's away. This once sleepy little village has seen the developers move in over the last few years but it is still a good base from which to explore that area. There are plenty of restaurants there , for some reason mainly Italian (?) and a scattering of bars. A few girlie bars in 'centrepoint' but they're not that appealing , to me anyway.

    KoLanta is another favourite spot fairly close to Krabi Town , an hours drive or boat ride away . This island has a few nice beaches on it and plenty of bungalows etc scattered down the west coast . Boat trips to some of the other islands easily had . Limited nightlife , comprising mainly of a few beach bars.

    Those are the 2 main touristy areas close to Krabi Town. Krabi Town itself is used mainly as a transit point for people traveling on to other places. Not beautiful , not ugly and maybe worth a stay for one night or so .

    The 2 neighbouring provinces , Phangnga and Trang have some beautiful spots too but are a lot less developed when it comes to catering for foreigners .

    Either way , enjoy your trip.

  10. ... just an idea

    The Andaman Club !

    A nice hotel situated on it's own island just off Ranong on the southwest coast. Nothing there except the hotels amenities (swimming pool, restaurants, golf course , casino etc etc). It is situated in a romantic spot overlooking both the mainland of Thailand and Burma as well as the other islands in the vicinity. Be ok for a few days at least !

    having said that , you're more than likely pee'd off with looking at the sea so forget it !! :D

    (the mrs might like it though) ::o:

  11.  I've lived here almost a year ...

    "After a year in Bangers it is about time you did something."

    "..you live in the northern suburbs , not the east!"

    After living in Bangkok for a year , you don't know what area you live in and know very little about the nightlife !!

    What have you been doing ? ???

  12. skyblues ....

    all the info you want is on this site if you look for it !


    Apply for a multi entry non 'O' visa (marriage visa). You're limited to 90days at a time unless you have had wired into a Thai bank B200,000+.

    If you can prove this to the local immigration office they'll extend your visa until the expiry date thus saving you from doing your 'runs'. This sum is going up sometime in the (near?) future to I think either B4 or 500,000 ... not sure exactly when .

    You can get a work permit on a non 'O' which will allow you to legally work in the country. Certain criteria has to be met !

    If you're married and 'trust' your mrs you can put a house in her name .... sry , don't know anything about the lease situation .

    If you have a non imm visa (minimum), you can own a car AND have it registered in your own name. There are different kinds of insurance here. A government compulsary insurance is the minimum allowed ... less than a couple thousand Baht per annum .... or you can go through a 'insurance company' and get 1st class or fully comp . Premiums differ according to what kind of vehicle you have. I pay around B30,000 a year for a 4wd pickup .

    Things might be different for others here . These statements are just my experiences .

    Locate that search button and all your answers you want will be here ... somewhere.

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