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Posts posted by South

  1. Nakhonsithammarat? - much better places to live in the south .... Phuket, Phangnga, Krabi, Songkhla and to a certain extent Trang and/or Satun. Nakhonsithammarat probably has more fatal road accidents than any other province in the country due to the locals complete selfishness and inability to observe the 'rules' of the road - and the beach resorts in NST are a long long way from being acceptable due partly to the total lack of any kind of infrastructure, totally over-rated. Don't believe all the hype you read on 'glossy' websites or magazines set up as an advertising front. Just ask the people who have lived there, been taken in and have/are returning home a lot wiser and a lot poorer leaving behind just empty overgrown dreams.

  2. Not sure what you should do but it reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. I parked my old Tiger in a park while I took my dogs for a walk. Anyway, on returning both glass mirrors were missing! Nobody around so I was a bit perplexed. On looking around there was a troop of monkeys up in the trees on the hill and they had taken them! One cheeky bu@*er looked like it was trying to reflect the sun into my eyes too!


  3. Over rated, over priced and over hyped.

    Got to agree - bit of a tourist trap.

    If you're intent on going and can get to/pas by Phangnga Town, there are a couple of places where you can do half or full day trips on smaller longtail boats. Because of their size they go through the mangroves and that is actually quite interesting. They also go to Koh Panyee and of Koh Tapu (007 island). M.T. Hotel in the centre of town for your tours. Much cheaper than going from either Krabi or Phuket. Ask for Hasim.

  4. First of all - to the OP. Better your child comes from a broken family than lives in one, is it not?

    To the OP. Mate good on you for coming on here and telling the truth. The thing is with all these guys taking the piss about the writing. The same thing will be happening in there relelationship'S with there Thai partners but they wont admit it.

    8 OUT OF 10 Thai - Farang relelationships fail. But when they have kids i would say its more like 10 out 10 fail. ( how many thai - Farang familys with there own children who are 12 or over do you see on a day out ) i must have seen about 2 the whole time i have lived in thailand i have been here for 5 years ! )

    I am to with Thai girl ( we have been together for 5 years now ) and we have a kid . Going ok so far but being honest i cant see us still together in 10 years. The culture thing is just to different. There will come a time were i will say i have had enough and hopefully if we to part ways can stay friends for are child's sake.

    Most Thai - Farang relationships only works with weak and desrate farangs who will put up with anything just to stay with there thai partner. Most Farangs who can think and act for them selfs soon get fed up and just say enought is enough. I am yet to meet a Thai - Farang couple who have been together ( i mean lived together in Thailand , not with the guy just coming here for 2 months each year ) for more than 11 years is the longest i have seen, with my mate but they have just broke up. Apart from that its seems to be 7 or 8 years max.

    I've been married to a wonderful woman. Married for touching 19 years, knew her for a couple before that and lived here for most of that time. Unfortunately, totally because of MY behaviour we are now separated. It's not always the local people who are at fault!


  5. Get a beach bar .... walk down to the beach after a few months trading, wrap whatever money you have in tissue paper, walk out as far as you can, drop your little packages into the sea and then walk back to the shore and retrieve them on the beach.

    There's your answer and don't forget to put your name at the bottom of the list of all those people who have had the same idea.

    Good luck!

    (Being realistic! :) )

  6. 7 Dead including an M4 student. Apparently the driver has gone over a bridge in Hatyai, 2 pickups had smashed together on the other side and the minibus driver had a choice of hitting the accident or turning away. The driver did the latter into a river, deeper than the mini-bus was high BUT he saved (went back - didn't do a runner) at least one person and he then presented himself to the local plod.

    I'm not going to make any summarizations - accidents do happen.

    Until the facts are fully known, I'll keep quiet.

  7. Keep well away from the agencies! This time of year is prime employing time .... go to the schools personally, show your resume and you might pick up a good job. Agencies are a big waste of time ..... say a lot, promise everything and don't produce!

    China may well not be the same as here but if you are looking for a (well?? haha) paid job in Surat, 12 months a year, keep well away from the agencies!

    Plenty of jobs out there .... just find the right one!

    ................... and just how long have you considered yourself an expat? :)

    Anyway, forget the sarcasism, agencies are a total waste of time!


  8. Non of us is Thai national, we all have european passports, we have visited Samui on several ocasions and we do know the schools and med insurance costs. We have already evaluated the possibilities for opening a business there and already made several appointments with consulents about the immigration requirements we must perform.

    We need to understand and find a way to be able to manage our business and in the same time to have peace of mind that our children are been well taken care of.

    The older one will go to school, we have alrady filled out the application form and we know the costs, my biggest concern is if I would be able to find a part/full time helper to give me a hand with the smaler one.

    Safety of the children for us comes first.

    I am trying to get familiar with everything before making the final move.

    As for being europeans we actualy live out of Europe in a quite third world country so I don't have any specific requirements that a European/US person would.

    Are there other families with children in Samui that run their private buinesses that might give me some tips?

    I don't want to sound bad here but .... It sounds that you have not one iota of how life in Thailand is ... let alone Samui. Seriously, throw away your dreams, Finish off your working life, and then, and only then, when you have proper capital behind you 'think'about moving here. Otherwise you will lose/or are gauranteed to lose whatever you have invested here or strived for.

    Just being a realist!

  9. English movies at the Lee Garden shopping centre. Maybe do a google and find out the number for the cinema there.

    Lee Gardens apparently are no longer showing English movies. Maybe someone in Hatyai could clarify the situation.

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