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Posts posted by South

  1. Hehe, I'm starting to enjoy this. Now, if you care to take time and read this thread, you will notice the OP stated 'MARRIAGES', not civil partnerships which you have slyly introduced - a totally different thing altogether. Now go and have your eggnog before it gets cold. ;)

    "a totally different thing"?

    Hardly. The only difference I can see is that the former is generally between two people of the opposite sex while the latter is generally between two people of the same sex. Apart from that they seem to confer similar rights and responsibilities and to be pretty similar overall to me.

    Maybe you know something I don't ...........??

    BoldExactly what I have been saying! The OP asked about 'marriages', nothing else, no mention at all of civil partenerships/unions or whatever.

    Had he posed the question,"I am just curious do you guys think that same sex civil partnerships will ever be legal in Thailand?" I wouldn't even have replied. As I've said before, a marriage to me is the bonding of a male and a female and in my humble opinion always will be.

    Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  2. *sigh*

    Well the readers will make their own mind up about your 'contribution' and clear bias against gay equality. Luckily people with your opinions are rapidly coming to the conclusion that gay people are equal to heterosexuals in ALL respects.

    You didn't make a single valid point - you just gave your bigoted opinion.

    The answer to the question is YES, in my view civil partnerships will inevitably be recognised in Thailand, it will take time of course, because it's pretty radical - and of course there will be people like 'South' who feel threatened by 'change' to their old fashioned, out of date, perspective.

    Hehe, I'm starting to enjoy this. Now, if you care to take time and read this thread, you will notice the OP stated 'MARRIAGES', not civil partnerships which you have slyly introduced - a totally different thing altogether. Now go and have your eggnog before it gets cold. ;)

  3. Bigoted and not progressive?? :D :D

    We are all bigoted in some respect for various reasons and on various subjects, are we not? Non progressive? maybe.

    To elaborate, what people do with their own lives is totally up to them and with that I have no qualms whatsoever. It is just that to me, the 'institution of marriage' is a bonding of people from opposite sexes, nothing more, nothing less. Husband/wife - Father/mother etc.

    Yes, things change but as same sex marriage is a subject I know pretty much nothing about, I'll just remain old fashioned and say no more. I think I've made my point.

    Have a nice day.

    Oh dear, strange how questions relating to same sex relationship issues always manages to bring out these insufferable backward looking ignoramuses.

    It's exactly this kind of attitude that keeps 'equality' a dream for so many people.

    Just as well that 'South' wasn't a legislator at the time that slavery was abolished, or it may not have happened, because that was the kind of 'way forward' that was certainly considered radical and modern at the time.

    Typically, bigots like 'South' always crumble under scrutiny, and it becomes clear very quickly, to educated and liberal minded thinkers, that this kind of institutional programming comes from a very limited upbringing with extremely narrow social and educational parameters.

    Touched a nerve have I rodentwarrior??

    You know absolutely nothing at all about me, my upbringing or anything else for that matter yet you feel fit to start throwing abuse. Now that is not only sad but excessively ignorant too.

    I've stated my point, that is what a forum is for, is it not? And, contrary to what you may think, we are all allowed an opinion. If it doesn't follow yours, does that make it wrong?

    Scrutinize away!

    Anyway, back to the topic - the question was, 'Do you think that same sex marriage will ever be legal in Thailand?'

    I said, 'I hope not for the reason given.' Just my personal opinion. So 'rodentwarrior, if you don't like it/agree with it, tough.

  4. Bigoted and not progressive?? :D :D

    We are all bigoted in some respect for various reasons and on various subjects, are we not? Non progressive? maybe.

    To elaborate, what people do with their own lives is totally up to them and with that I have no qualms whatsoever. It is just that to me, the 'institution of marriage' is a bonding of people from opposite sexes, nothing more, nothing less. Husband/wife - Father/mother etc.

    Yes, things change but as same sex marriage is a subject I know pretty much nothing about, I'll just remain old fashioned and say no more. I think I've made my point.

    Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  5. Had a few cars here before buying a little Wave. Since then and quite a few bikes later the car hardly moves, 20km a week if that.... hence it's now for sale. Convenience and speed of bikes far outweighs the 'comfort' of 4 wheels in my case. I think a lot also depends on your own personal circumstances and of course where you live in respect to work, shopping etc.

  6. Sorry to hijack this thread with another question, but it's kind-of related.....

    I want to drive my Thai registered pick-up truck into Malaysia to visit KL for a few days.

    What's involved, and whats required paperwork wise, insurance, and cost?


    It's been done many times. Do a search and you'll find all the info you need.

    Basically, all you'll need is a translation of your registration, Malaysian insurance and that's pretty much it. Sorry, also a sticker showing the Thai number and province. I've been down to Penang a couple of times with no sticker and nobody said a word although last time they wanted one ..... and then they wouldn't let me in because of dark windows. :angry:

    Translation can be done in Hatyai for B30 or for a bit more (time & money)at the Dan Nok border.

  7. AuNang is beautiful .... but within the last few years it has gone super expensive (compared to Phuket that has always been expensive). If you're on a budget, stay in Krabi Town and do your island trips from there. As for Railay, just another tourist infested location ..... you're not missing much if you don't go there.

    Plenty of other places in Thailand off the tourist trail that offer more ...

  8. Thailand is attempting to become a medical hub .... for the private patient :)

    Pretty much every non governmental hospital is a (local)business and they cannot afford to have local or foreign non paying bodies taking up their valuable bed/ward space.

    As a previous patient in both the (non paying)and the (private)hospitals I have seen that the private hospitals work/run more as a business enterprise than anything else.

    Eg: 4 days in a Private hospital = over B400,000

    the next 2 weeks in a Government hospital, still in ICU, B45,000

    Someone, somewhere is extracting the urine!

  9. Yes .... we can all say R.I.P. to those involved but to those in the know, this has been going on here and in Asia for years, if not decades. It is a way of life. You/We westerners/foreigners can get onto our high horses if we want to but at the end of the day we can't do anything at all and if we do do anything, it is not going to change anything locally in the foreseeable future.

    • Like 1
  10. Try the big hotels, Twin Lotus, Ligor or Grand Park as they often do big weddings and I'm sure have someone dedicated to such occasions. Google for the websites.

    Failing that there are a few wedding 'shops' that might be able to help, 'I Love You' is one that comes to mind. No experience because I got married before the Twin Lotus et al were built. I'll ask around for you tomorrow though.

  11. Any scuba diving operations off Khanom or in the area ??

    Looking for an up and coming place to open a small shop, don't even care if I only dive once a week

    I have been to Sichon several times but never got to snorkel or dive there as Sichon is rather quiet and not much going on at all

    Olsen is there a Scuba Diving School there and if nt is there any type of demand even in a small way. ??

    No scuba diving in Sichon or Khanom, the nearest is in Koh Samui.

    I am sure a scuba diving business will do well in Khanom....we get more and more tourists coming every year.

    Currently my friends are doing a snokeling trip to Koh Tan and Koh Mak just off Khanom....they could for soure also arrange something with scuba diving if you're interested??

    What a load of rubbish. Very poor visibility. Khoa Plai Dam is slightly better but the whole area is not really suited to diving. Offshore on the islands or the west coast yes, but Khanom? What are you on?


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