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  1. Now why would anyone waste their time doing that with you? You’re too much of a lost cause. From reading your posts, everyone can see that you only accept and believe in ultra right wing conspiracies and lies.
  2. Skull cap, star of Israel tattooed in a prominent place, signing Hava Nagila, saying “shalom” to everyone he meets? Joking aside, you’re right. Just look like a very wide and diverse mix of people of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean/European origin.
  3. If someone is elderly and doesn’t have enough money to pay for heating, or homeless then they’re caught in a downward spiraling trap, so no, definitely not “free”. And they certainly wouldn’t want to hear your dumb, idiotic warmongering BS.
  4. Another AN post from a geriatric fool demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect.
  5. You would need to be very blind, dumb and ignorant to believe that ever happened. Since its formation in the 90s the SVR has operated the same as the KGB to undermine, weaken and subvert Western interests, especially American. The only thing that’s held Putin back from expanding his empire further west into Eastern Europe is NATO, hence the reason Putin supports his useful idiots like Trump with that goal. Good that Putin’s army has had the c**p fragged out of it in Ukraine. The Biden administration’s plan worked very effectively there. The plan was never to help Ukraine defeat Russia, just greatly weaken it to the point that the Russian army couldn’t threaten NATO countries for a very long time. The Cold War never ended because the Russians never stopped and they never will.
  6. It depends whether the policeman was importing the vape products, ie, going across the border and bringing them back into Thailand. If he was doing that then he was breaking the law, if he bought them in Thailand, then no. Vaping in Thailand is not illegal, only importing vape products is illegal. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/no-vaping-and-vapes-are-not-illegal-in-thailand-heres-why/
  7. The are no laws to enforce regarding vaping in Thailand: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/no-vaping-and-vapes-are-not-illegal-in-thailand-heres-why/ It’s illegal to import vape products but corruption and mafia involvement (we all know who are the biggest mafia) means there are more than enough vape products coming into Thailand to meet the demand. TIT
  8. Did he start it? I thought the separatist movement and armed conflict started before he was PM. Like all of these tough guy, ultra nationalist, populist leaders, his approach didn’t improve things.
  9. Why is AI so goddam awful? Because it’s just that, it’s AI not AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). AI uses LLM (Large Language Models), which has its limits and its flaws. AGI will be more advanced than human intelligence. It will be smarter than the smartest person alive or that has ever lived. And it’s coming.
  10. It does sounds incredibly expensive. 1 gram would be an about teaspoonful at the most. $4 for the whole cake would be cheap. $1 a slice/scoop would be pricey but ok-ish.
  11. Absolute nonsense. It was OTT and unnecessary. Waste of time and resources (immigration and the courts). Dumb stupidity. Typical ill thought out response that you see here (a bit like your passive aggressive post). A slap on the wrist and warned that any further reoccurrence would result in more severe action would have been fair and proportionate and more than sufficient
  12. I think you’ll find that descent down the slippery slope started a long long time before DEI. The roots of that decline go back to at least the 1950’s and arguably way before that. Trade union relations, under investment, wrong investment, insufficient infrastructure investment outside of the south east, incompetence, mismanagement, under investment in education, wrong focus and constant change in education policies and priorities are largely, but not exclusively, the root causes of that descent down the slippery slope and has very very little to do with DEI. But hey, don’t let me spoil your ignorance.
  13. Typical vile response from a scouse scaly.
  14. Were you being deliberately ironic? Have Americans finally leaned about irony?
  15. Some but not as much as you think and suggest. Check the wind direction and speed. The burning that happens in Thailand will have a greater effect, and is where the Thais should focus, ie, clean their own house before they start complaining about their neighbours.
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