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Expat Tom

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Posts posted by Expat Tom

  1. When living in any foreign country (one that is not your native home) do not become confused. Whether you agree with it or not, no matter how seemingly ridiculous, it is their country and their laws. Never allow yourself to believe that the rules of your country apply in another country. Finally, stay out of local politics. Thailand has speech restriction and internet restrictions. A good VPN will get you around the internet restrictions but be careful of what you say or post.  

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  2. Oh! By the way, the governemnt will immediately invite 10,000,000 Chinese back to Thailand as soon as the restrictions are lifted. Maybe the government should update its info. China has another outbreak on its boarder with Russia and has locked down 100,000,000 Chinese just a weeks ago......WELCOME BACK CHINA! THAILAND LOVES YOU!!!

    • Confused 1
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  3. First, let me say that I am an experienced English teacher and a Farang from the USA. I currently teach online and formerly taught at KMITL Katkrabang where I was the head of the foreign English teachers program and hired and fired a lot of teachers. I also taught specialized classes for Thai English teachers at Assumption School in Bangkok. 


    There is no reason for me to critique this teacher. Watch the video for yourself. 

    Let me point out a few facts about all language learning. There are four skills in learning any language; 

    in order of acquisition, listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

    Listening and speaking are acquired organically through modeling. If you learn from a native of England you will likely acquire and English (British) accent. If you learn from an American or Canadian, you will acquire a North American accent. If you learn from a native Indian speaker, your English will be as understandable as the average Indian. 


    If you learn from someone who has a "Thinglish" (Thai-English) accent then you will learn "Tinglish" and not "English". The reason that Thais and Filipinos are used as English teachers is that they can be paid less. The Filipinos are far better than Thais but the learner will still acquire a Filipino sing song accent.  As an online teacher, I am paid more than a GREAT Filipino. I don't want to learn Thai from and American and a Thai should not want to learn English from another Thai. The bottom line is this....you will get what you pay for.

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