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Expat Tom

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Posts posted by Expat Tom

  1. Give information but NEVER hand over your passport unless absolutely compelled to do so. If you mess with these people over trivialities it could bite you in the butt later.  Smile, be pleasant, put up with the non-sense. It is their country and you are a guest. Refusing to cooperate with the local 'poo-bah' might buy you more misery down the road. Be the nice smiling cooperative farang and not the <deleted> farang.


    If you can't bear the situation, leave Thailand when you can. 

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  2. Only Brits and the like omit articles in front of words like school, hospital, university and bank. An American or Canadian would say that I go to "a university" or "the university" and not simply "university".

    The Brits suffer from the delusion that they are still an important dominant nation in the world, something that they have not been in the last 150 years. Most of the world today wants to learn North American English and not "marbles in the mouth" <deleted> English, a.k.a. "the Queens English"

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    • Haha 1
  3. A detox off of booze for a few weeks would do the whole country good and I say that as a moderate drinker. Alcohol also lowers the body's natural resistance. A huge percentage of the deaths in Italy , over 90%, were among those with pre-existing health problems. So, you puss gutted rummies with florid faces should look in the mirror and consider a few weeks of sobriety. If you don't, you might contribute to nature's culling of the herd.


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  4. The Junta caught flack from the Western World during and after the coup. The leaders (AKA Mr. P, ) tried to cozy up the the Chinese and it bit them (him) in the ass. The Chinese are like a plague of locust. They will devour Thailand if given 1/2 the chance. BYW, in case of a real war those subs that Thailand bought from China would last about 30 minutes if Thailand sided with China and about 2 days outside of the Gulf of Siam if they sided with the West. Thailand needs subs like like a ladyboy needs a ,,,,,,? Fill in the blank. 


    In case of a war, I would not want Thailand as an ally. They would either shoot themselves in the foot or accidentally shoot you in the back.


    Don't cry for me....I live in Vietnam now.

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