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Expat Tom

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Posts posted by Expat Tom

  1. Maybe it is a sign or age or maybe a sign of my upbringing but I would never go to a government (or non-government) office dressed like a disrespectful bum. My blessed grandmother would have slapped the snot out of me if I had. I have been to this office many times and think that the sign should be amended to include: "Patrons Must Shower and (men) Should Shave. Clothes Should be Clean and Deodorant is Suggested" That last requirement might limit the number of European clients.   

  2. Foreigners in general are viewed a sheep waiting to be sheared by Thai's. That is just the simple fact of the matter. There are many things wrong with my home country but differential pricing for foreigners and price gouging by licensed public utilities would NEVER be tolerated. One has to wrap one's mind around the fact that , "this isn't Kansas Dorthy". There is no democratic traditions anywhere in Asia. This is an area of the world with traditions of absolute rulers and total lack of empathy for the common man. Human life is cheap here and if you wander around void of situational awareness, you might meet some serious misfortune.

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  3. Soi 6???!!! Say it ain't so! I'm shocked. I live on Soi 5 and never knew such things happen only one street away?

    HAHAHA. Let me give you a little advice. Only drink at bars that give you a running total bill and check that total after every drink.


  4. I am 1000% sure that this is the same demented jerk that got in my face while I was walking along the beach in Pattaya a few days ago at 1000 AM. The aggressive move that he made toward me would have normally earned him a ass whipping on the spot but his glassy eyes and emaciated bean pole body save him. It was obvious that he was not playing with a full deck and was no threat. The authorities need to gather this poor lost soul up and institutionalize him until he cam be deported to where ever he came from. I really feel sorry for him. He's a real mess and if he is allowed roam free he will eventually piss-off someone who might react with out charity.    

    • Haha 1
  5. FYI, Agent Orange was used on all of the US Military bases in Thailand as well as Vietnam. In fact, it was used as heavily here as in Vietnam. If you check the world crime statistics, you are much more likely to get raped, mugged, beaten up or killed in Thailand today than Vietnam. Since you posted on Thai Visa, I assume that you read it as well.

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