You start with a flawed hypothesis as you focus on MAGA voters. Forgetting the small parties, American's have Democrats or Republicans to vote for, so you need to evaluate both sides of the equation when discussing voter trends and bias. About 40% of Americans consider them selves independents (whom you might consider are the "rational" voters). But true independents (with no party affiliation) are only 10%. The remaining 30% (who call themselves independents), lets say half of them vote Democrat or Republican at different times. So, that gives us approx. 25% of American voters are mostly independent (but some of them lean one way or another more than likely). That means 75% of American voters, both MAGA and Dems, are incapable of voting for the other side. My point being this is NOT just a MAGA thing, although Trump is such a polarizing figure that, that it just highlights these voting dynamics. Lets not forget FDR was the closest thing the US had to a king (4 election victories!), which forced a new constitutional amendment to limit a President to two terms in office. I'm sure Republicans thought he was the Dems MAGA. I, personally, thought Trump did not deserve another term in office after the 2020 election denial, the fits and tantrums he exhibited, the threats to the VP and Jan 6. However, many (not all) of his polices I supported during his first term. In 2024, the US had two very flawed choices, Biden the nice guy, losing his faculties, replaced with an inexperienced and unintelligent Presidential imposter. She faced Trump (narcissist, uncontrollable liar, thin-skinned, wannabe King/dictator/ruler). Also, the economy was not in good shape (and everyone knows it's always "the economy, stupid"), mostly due to inflation, and illegal immigration became a core issue. Beyond the 75% already locked in on their candidate, that other 25% had those choices. Most of them could see both candidates a bit more rationally, some of them decided to stay home because both were losers in their eyes, and enough of them leaned toward the economy and immigration to give Trump the victory. Remember, even Hilary Clinton had a larger lead (popular vote) over Trump, than Trump had over Harris by a bit. The midterm elections in two years will be interesting. American often prefer split government, so both parties can check the extremes of the other, and if Trump causes enough pain or pisses enough of that 25% off on one issue or another, then it is highly likely that either the House or Senate could flip, reigning in some of Trumps agenda. If thigs are going great in almost two years (economy/immigration/overall satisfaction), then Trump might keep both. So, just like MAGA has blind followers, the Dems do as well, and its this 25% (somewhere between 20-30%) that decide the election outcomes. It made some sense that Trump won, despite his many flaws, and that is how he got the votes he did. For Dems, it seems totally incomprehensible people would vote for Trump just as it would have been incomprehensible by MAGA to think Harris had won.