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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Isn't it amazing that typing just one word can instantly identify someone who has never smoked it and clearly has no idea whatsoever regarding the effects, why anybody would wish to publicly display their lack of knowledge like that is totally beyond beyond me I can only conclude it was either meant as an attempt at a "rallying cry", intended to invite further comments from others of a similar (misinformed) mindset , or was it an attempt at virtue signalling, to members of the same "community"
  2. and exactly who does he think could possibly be "offended" ? and not just a little bit offended but offended to such a degree that he has decided a public apology is required!.
  3. Well whilst I agree with your sentiments, I can also understand that they may take the view that the immigration issues in the UK. and indeed the rest of europe for example are hardly a shining example that they would seek to emulate. Multiculturalism might look ok on paper but the realities on the ground are very different ! The UK has lost its sense of national identity, It is no longer acceptable to be patriotic, and on the whole that is a very sad state of affairs and it is all part of the continuing inevitable decline of a once great country that is destroying its self from within. Thailand still has a very strong sense of national identity , I applaud them for this, to be honest I'm a little jealous of the common bond they share and fully understand their reasons for trying to maintain it, even if sometimes it has negative consequences for me personally
  4. I understand your optimism, but, I don't share it. so don't hold your breath. I genuinely doubt that much , if anything will improve, except perhaps for the new noses in the trough. We will just have to wait and see what happens. I may be pleasantly surprised but I seriously doubt it.
  5. Visa rules have been getting progressively tighter over the last 30 years the only exception being the covid extensions that were handed out last year, which was purely due to the exceptional circumstances, No government has made any positive improvements for us , Why would they ? The downwards trend will continue as normal. If Pita becomes PM he may well enjoy a "honeymoon" period , but it won't last forever, and once his popularity fades due to him failing to fulfill his promises, he will show his true colours and revert to type, meaning we can expect a healthy dose of nationalism as he fights to maintain his position. This will have only negative consequences for foreigners here,
  6. Tend to agree with you, Nothing much ever changes for the general population as a result of these events despite the rhetoric. Any improvement for foreigners is highly unlikely and would be a totally unintended consequence. All these naive posters gushing their support for this new kid on the block, expecting Thailand to evolve into some sort of left wing utopia are living in a fantasy world and are, inevitably, going to be very disappointed. The saying "things can only get better" is far from true, things can indeed get a whole lot worse and probably will " Better the devil you know" in my opinion
  7. I'm not excusing anything , the whole thing was a absolute disaster, but there was a lot worse going on than a bit of a piss up or two. They are all just too happy to let the mainstream media and the outraged pearl clutchers get hysterical over this as it is a very effective distraction from what ever else they were up to at the time and what ever they want to bury at the moment. that's why this story goes on and on, it suits them just fine. if it didn't they would have stopped it ages ago.
  8. Questioning the effectiveness or otherwise of any anti Covid measures is in no way indicative of whether one is left wing or right wing. It is however a normal response from those of us who are less inclined to believe everything governments and their agents tell us This whole party gate farce is merely distracting from the rest of the cluster<deleted> but if you think things would have been any better with starmer in charge you are delusional
  9. You can call it what you like "in the west" But this is not the "west" is it ? Why are some people unable to accept that? How much further "east" would this place need to be in order for people to realise that this is not the "west" and that rightly or wrongly things are done differently here.
  10. Was that your intention before you decided to live here? Or have you just found it a bit too difficult to fit in here?
  11. Maybe it has but do you not feel that as a parent it is primarily your responsibility to raise them as decent human beings and not the responsibility of a 20 something teacher fresh out of training college with little experience of real life which is increasingly the case these days. Is it really necessary for them to be taught the details of every sexual variation under the sun before they have even naturally reached an age where they are interested in such matters
  12. I didn't fail to see your point. but my view is that the whole subject of human sexuality is beyond the scope of a normal school education
  13. And this is where it all started to go wrong, the way things are these days they would have to add two more years to the time spent at school just to teach them the LGBNGT alphabet with a refresher course every 6 months for the rest of their lives
  14. We were taught the mechanics of reproduction that was all. personally I think it was enough .
  15. neither I nor anybody I knew was in the least bit interested, We didn't even know their christian names. It was Miss (regardless of marital status) or Mr followed by their surname or in later years it was just Miss or Sir. Any teacher divulging their first name was regarded , quite rightly , with deep suspicion by us and our parents. I think that may sound a bit strange to you but I still consider it as a good example of professional detachment and it certainly helped maintain discipline. in my opinion
  16. There is no need to teach young kids any of this at all is the point i'm trying to make . They can't even teach them to spell properly these days. No blindness and certainly no hypocrisy
  17. It only denotes if they are married or not, anything else is pure speculation, On the other hand Ms does have undertones in my opinion (of course)
  18. I'm not american I'm British and yes I don't get it. Through out my entire school life I don't remember one teacher ever discussing their private lives with us pupils, their domestic situation was / is totally irrelevant to their job The same goes for any occupation in my opinion. If they did for any reason need to mention a "partner" it should be left at that "a partner" absolutely no need to go into any more detail whatsoever Of course kids are not stupid we all (thought we) knew which ones were gay , and which ones were to be kept away from even though back then we had never even heard of the word paedophile There has always been, at least as long as I can remember , an established convention of not exposing young kids to matters of a sexual nature, many people, quite rightly express concerns about what kids can see on the internet Is it really necessary to expose kids to all that the rainbow flag really stands for, in some cases before they have even got to grips with the basics of reproduction? Seems to me all this exposure holds the risk of sexualising children , something that used to be considered inappropriate by most hetrosexual and gay people people. Has something changed or am i just getting old
  19. They can make a wooden leg for the victims of bomb explosions but its hardly a rival for the real thing!
  20. No a rainbow flag is obviously not pornographic, that is not what I said at all. However, like porn, it is not appropriate for young kids to be exposed to what it currently represents either. I actually have no issues with gay or lesbian teachers, their sexuality is of no issue as long as they keep it away from the class room , same goes for hetrosexuals too of course, but a demonstration by LGBT "activists" is in my opinion inappropriate for young kids Whatever happened to childhood innocence
  21. Some "transgender women" still have a penis apparently, and some ladyboys do not, the terms "transwoman" and "ladyboy" are totally synonymous, regardless of the sensitivities attached to such terms They don't actually "create" a penis or a vagina merely a very poor imitation. it is not yet possible to create a proper fully functional working model of either and it is unlikely they ever will
  22. guess it depends on what sort of sex one is indulging in. I'll bear it in mind
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