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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. No such thing as a 14 year old baby, they are generally referred to as teenagers or adolescents, If I remember correctly greta thunberg was treated as a fully grown adult by the media and several heads of state when she was a similar age
  2. The media is doing as its told, by its paymasters, But Since when have police reported things like this to them. Highly unusual behaviour
  3. Regarding the OP, isn't it a bit similar to the way that the whole reefer madness thing started all those years ago , When harry anslinger cited cannabis as a contributory factor when a black guy allegedly raped a young white girl? They say history repeats its self! 80+ years later and nothing has changed
  4. nobody in their right mind should believe anything any government says, better to believe the opposite of what they tell you
  5. with these sort of people a public denial is an admission of guilt. They could have remained silent, it would have been less suspicious
  6. I'd go along with that, pretty much like drunk drivers too, more accidents are caused by people who have not been drinking. Think about it, you may have had just "one to many" driving impeccably and stop at a red light, then some nutter ploughs into the back of you, not sure about here, but in the uk the breathalyser is used now in every incident, and guess who is going to take the rap in the above scenario. Life is so unfair sometimes. Not that I am condoning drunk driving of course, merely highlighting what could be considered an injustice
  7. Rational discussion of cannabis on here is pretty much guaranteed to be impossible due to the brainwashed 70+ year olds that frequent this website, A generation that generally still dutifully believes all that people in authority tell them? Not their fault entirely I suppose, but I do find it a little surprising. Because travel is supposed to broaden the mind and I would therefore have expected that most pensioners that have managed to find their way here and succeeded in marrying a prostitute young enough to be their granddaughter would be a little bit more tolerant of other peoples "vices"
  8. how much do you think ? go on take a guess how much would you consider to be ok and how much would you consider to be excessive? You have no idea do you, why not google it and see what the experts tell you
  9. The war on drugs, waged, ostensibly in the name of public health, is almost universally accepted by anybody with a brain to have been a complete failure, at least in as far as preventing people using drugs is concerned. It has however, been extremely successful, almost the very definition of perfection, in ensuring that the price of drugs remains relatively high and that the huge proceeds from the sale of which very efficiently end up in the hands of organised criminal gangs It has brought absolutely no benefits to public health, which is pretty much its stated intent. in fact quite the opposite, as it invariably forces those who wish to use, to purchase potentially unclean and dangerous products and substances from unregulated sources This "failure" has been going on for a very long time Bearing in mind that the people who put this in place, and have overseen it for years, are supposed to be clever enough to govern the rest of us mere mortals, isn't it a bit strange, even a little suspicious, that what is generally perceived as a complete failure by the rest of society, has been allowed to continue by the so called authorities, pretty much unchallenged for decades. Now and again with great publicity they announce further huge sums of cash to be thrown at the problem, in the latest crackdowns, but that's about it Any attempt at change, for example the recent decriminalisation of cannabis here, invariably results in the much reduced proceeds of sales ending up in the hands of "others", and soon meets fierce opposition from some very concerned members of the authorities, who always use "public health concerns" as a reason for their objections, Occasionally a few drug seizures are announced to dupe the public into thinking they are achieving their stated objectives but the amounts seized are miniscule when one considers the phenomenal amount of drugs that are constantly in transit around the globe, is that really the best they can do, given the amount of money they allegedly spend on their so called "war" ? If they were really that bothered, surely the authorities with all the powers they have at their disposal, would be able to wage a war on drugs a little more effectively? They seemed to have no problem shutting down entire countries and bringing many industries to the point of bankruptcy virtually overnight in response to a virus with very low fatality rate, but stopping a minority people taking drugs seems to be completely beyond them. Or is it really? The cynic in me is thinking that this so called war on drugs has in fact been a total success, in term of its real aim, which is actually to ensure that the huge amounts of money involved, due to the illegality of the substances in question, end up exactly were they are supposed to, and eventually find their way into the hands of various corrupt "officials" at all levels. One would have to be totally naive to think, for example, that the proceeds from the sale of Ya-bah never benefit any corrupt police officers here in Thailand, where ever there are corrupt police officers there will always be others taking a cut, its like pyramid selling ,and goes all the way to the top. Same as with anything else, follow the money is a very appropriate term, what other excuse could there be for what could only otherwise be described as gross incompetence on a global scale at the highest level?
  10. Surely a simple sign explaining your house rules would alleviate whatever problems these people allegedly cause when they are as "high as kites" whatever that actually means. Why not get some printed out and leave them in the rooms to inform people of your prejudices. Do you have a website? you could mention it on there too. make it the next thing you do , once you have sobered up
  11. Probably the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read in my life, you really need to be more selective when (mis)"informing" yourself
  12. Alcohol does both, don't see many on here suggesting it should be banned or even questioning the ineffectiveness of the age limits regarding purchase and consumption. Have you ever used either alcohol or amphetamine ? no need to answer as you obviously haven't,
  13. A link to a private and no doubt rather expensive clinic, well that just has to be true doesn't it? "addicts" ! you really have no idea at all do you, better to stick to commenting on subjects that you actually know something about, rather than spouting rubbish "supported" by spurious links
  14. So illogical religious idealism and superstition are unique to Thailand ? what a bizarre statement millions of christians and muslims might not agree with you.
  15. And would you also encourage drunken guests to drive off on their motorbikes too ? Very irresponsible behaviour indeed on your part, if it's even true. Please inform the name of your "resort" so that right minded people can avoid it
  16. but with the return to illegality any form of education will stop, thats if it even started
  17. Surin town center is a lively place plenty of bars in the town center around the Tongtarin hotel which is only 5 min from the bus station Haven't had a night out their since before covid but there is a "tawandaeng" place with live music, always fun and often jam packed with totty many student types in there too. there's a whole strip of bars in the same area some are owned and frequented by westerners, there even used to be a couple of gogo bars too but I'm not sure if they reopened after covid You won't have to look hard to get a drink there's a Thai saying "bai surin gin surah tae mai dai gin surah mai dai bai surin" if you go to surin drink alcohol, if you didn't drink then you haven't really been to surin" there is a bit of a drinking culture in surin which is quite well known in Thailand I don't really know of any actual brothels as such, I'm sure they exist but will be set up to cater for Thais ask a tuk tuk guy if you are looking. They will probably be more expensive than Pattaya though! Plenty of "massage" parlours / karaoke type places but they tend to come and go just look for the usual flashing fairy lights On the way to the border and about 25km from surin center is Prasat, there's a few farang bars there and a few "happy endings to be had in the "meung mai" area, just outside the town center, which gets quite busy on a friday night And a bit of pay for play is available on the cambodian side of the border in O'smach just ask a taxi guy or one of the touts who will be offering to help you with your visa. They all speak pretty good english and will be only to willing to help, probably going to offer you some viagra anyway, they usually do There is also the casinos I never went in the casino but I've seen some nice looking girls going in there Cambodian by the look of them (slightly bigger tits) On the whole you can expect to have fun, and you may well get some more info if you start a new thread,
  18. not sure if you have been and done it yet, I was there last week, 1500bt for cambodian visa and 300 baht to cambodian immigration for a same day return , you need 1 passport photo. You will get 30 days visa exempt. There are guys hanging round who will fill the forms in for you for 100 bt if you can't be bothered to fill them out yourself but to describe them as "agents" is stretching things a bit once you have left Thailand bear to the right hand side for your visa (ist window) and entry stamp with 300bt fee (second window) and then to the left hand side for the exit stamp When returning to Thailand bear left (when facing Thailand) for the way back in ( they still use the old tm6 forms) As another poster said its a really good border post, very laid back on both the Thai and Cambodian sides, I've also used it for years without any problems at all. Parking can be challenging, there is a carpark about 500m from the actual border and motorcycle taxis will take you up to the border, used to park in a carpark right at the checkpoint but they appear to have stopped that now. I get the mrs to drop me off there and phone her to pick me up when i return. Avoid weekends if possible as can be busy with casino visitors, but generally very quiet monday to friday
  19. If all your beliefs are based on what governments tell you then you are somewhat naive. Did you try to combat covid simply by washing your hands as they recommended in the early days? Were you wearing your mask when travelling alone in your car lol Did you take off your bathroom door to make a shelter in the case of a nuclear attack? Like they were suggesting back in the late seventies / early eighties ? Did your wife take thalidomide for morning sickness as they suggested in the early sixties
  20. what a ridiculous statement did you even read what he posted ..... "The way that it works is, if enough people are immunized, a disease effectively disappears. You know, like polio and smallpox." and "If enough people were to get annual boosters, Covid would effectively disappear." clearly if even "only" 1 in 1000 caught covid the disease has not effectively disappeared and even a "covid denier" would understand that in a population of 1 million that would equate to 1000 people infected many of whom may be asymptomatic and each of them would have the potential to infect many others. Looks to me like you are some sort of covid denier
  21. I would not know very much about "covid denier talking points" as I am not a covid denier, how could I be , I have had it several times , despite being vaccinated so stop with the smarmy comments the poster i was replying to was claiming that covid would stop as in "cease to exist" if everybody was vaccinated. It clearly will not. Whether you choose to believe him or me is neither here nor there, and petty grammar policing comments like the one you have made are of no consequence whatsoever
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