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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. For gods Sake.. other than in the extremely rare cases of congenital birth defects ie hermaphrodites and such like there is absolutely no way on god's earth that anybody should be allowed hormone treatments or puberty blockers or anything else of a similar nature at a pre pubescent age. Any doctor involved in such practices should be struck off and locked up Jesus we don't even allow under 18's to get tattoos as they are considered to young to appreciate the life changing permanency of disfiguring themselves What on earth are you advocating, to me and any other rightminded person it is just wrong If you consider that makes me a troll I really don't care. There is something very worrying about you
  2. I know exactly what you mean reminds me of the joke about the 9 volt torch battery
  3. I try not to imagine things like that , ever, I don't doubt India Pakistan or Bangladesh do not use the spray, I'm not aware of either of those 3 countries being renowned for that particular aspect of hygiene either. Where do they sit in the league tables?
  4. I did the wipe test afterwards in the early days , several times, the result was always spotless and my underpants continue to confirm this, How long do you spray for ? 5 milliseconds by the sound of it, just be a bit more generous it won't affect your water bill
  5. certainly seems to be the case although I'm sure other victims are only to ready to jump on board the bandwagon
  6. well it seems to very conducive to some peoples happiness to blindly deny scientific facts.
  7. it is still a man, that is the uncomfortable but undeniable scientific fact that you cannot come to terms with. You are suffering a departure from reality, simple as that
  8. "Her" transitional "level" is of absolutely no consequence, definition is by chromosomes it was born and will die a man
  9. I don't feel persecuted at all , I don't identify as a victim, I do however feel that my right to speak the plain science based truth regarding some matters is gradually being eroded slowly but surely! I also believe I and in fact everybody has the right to offend people in the same way that they have the right to try to offend me if they so wish As the saying goes what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger,and a bit of offence never did anybody any harm, bit like a hard days work , which is something else a lot of todays "activists" have little or no interest in The rise of these social justice warriors does seem to go hand in hand with the rise and development of the benefit systems in todays welfare states. or is that just a coincidence? Some people just don't have enough to worry about anymore, and others are only happy when they are whingeing ( normally on behalf of others)
  10. Seems to me there just isn't enough racism, phobias, and perceived injustice to go round anymore, consequently all these diversity experts that the low end higher education system has spewed out over the last few years are really struggling to find things to be upset about. If social injustice does not exist it is becoming increasingly necessary for them to invent it , not least in order to stay in their jobs Eventually, hopefully, things will as usual go full circle, and straight white males will become a "protected species" Imagine that, it will be cool for people with a penis to once again identify as men
  11. not always... for example " last night i woke at 3am and visited the bathroom for a pi$$" It would have been a lot more negative if I had not woke
  12. Duh! its obvious, A medical examination to detect a "hymen" or absence of such of course
  13. Cannot wear white unless he ( dammit ) "she" identifies as a virgin ! It's his (ooops there I go again sorry), "her" human right !! to wear pink, and he (oh dear) "she" looks lovely. what are you , a transphobe ? Did you really expect her to wear blue? that would be for boys, Is that still the case? probably not, I don't know, I don't know anything anymore, I think I need to go on a diversity course,before I offend anybody else, you should join me
  14. Well that's what I thought , but apparently accidently using somebody's un preferred pronoun can result in a violent reaction and in some cases end one's career, So it can indeed matter and will matter even more once the inevitable legislation is put in place
  15. go on then put me out of my misery, what on god's earth does that stand for?, on second thoughts don't bother, I don't think I can take anymore
  16. I am aware of what people "Ciswoman" refers to but I honestly have no idea what the "cis" bit actually refers to or stands for grammatically. and I have absolutely no intention of looking it up
  17. Oh dear, apologies, hope I haven't offended any of "them"doubt if I have as there are none on here. But I can't keep up with what all these minorities consider right and wrong, it seems to change on a daily basis, My personal thoughts on the subject however will not change...... Calling somebody with a penis anything which includes the word "woman" is just wrong, that's a biological fact, and considering them as such (for example sending them to women's prisons) has proved dangerous I would however the term "man "woman"" to be a little more accurate And who am I to "judge"? Well today I identify as a judge, a female trans judge of mixed ethnicity, at that, and as such I cannot be argued with, right? I will be changing my user name to "bapuan prang" to reflect this new identity. Sounds ridiculous does it not?
  18. I see that the LGBTQ.......has had AI added to it what do those letters stand for? surely not Artificial Intelligence? although the way things are these days, I can't for one moment imagine it would have been programmed to identify as straight.
  19. hahahaha a profession are you serious ??? what's the job description What about a trans man who identifies as a eunuch or a trans woman who identifies as such stop making me laugh
  20. As far as i am aware the current ideology means that a trans woman can indeed have a penis you need to get with it you transphobe
  21. Good point, to be honest I cannot believe that is a permitted option. Would any doctor be prepared to do it ? Considering where we are the answer is probably "yes" if there's enough money offered
  22. Almost fits to the tune of the "house of the rising sun" (which I can't get out of my head now dammit!)
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