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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Common sense suggests that there should be some guidance regarding the maximum length of any leads that are required, but, unsurprisingly that has not been mentioned
  2. Perhaps you should establish what makes your garden so attractive to them, I have heard that spreading a bit of Rosemary around will repel them but not sure how effective it is , There also used to be some sort of ultrasonic device that was reputed to discourage them but again I;m not sure how effective it was, Failing that I believe Lion excrement keeps them away, so a trip to the zoo might be in order, then again Lion excrement is probably worse than cat's
  3. That is indeed a possible solution, a cat will always prefer an area that is soft and easy to dig, but to imply that cats recognise man made boundaries and defecate accordingly is clearly ludicrous, Dogs are a little different and will consider an enclosed area as their "own". but a cats territory is often far larger than most can imagine
  4. Until relatively recently one very rarely saw cats in Thailand , however was a surge in popularity recently which can probably be traced back to one or more of those moronic "internet idols" the novelty is wearing off now , these "trends" never last long so expect to see a lot of miserable abandoned cats in the near future. There is probably a good argument for a nationwide cull of strays, but in my opinion the stray dogs pose a greater threat. Pity they can't develop a disease like myxomatoses to deal with the problem
  5. they do normally but they probably find the sun baked clay "challenging" to dig
  6. They don't have "their own" garden , they are cats not people
  7. Probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my life
  8. " un-named totty" but she looks do-able in her uniform, I definitely would , What about you lot?
  9. I would go as far as to say NONE of them know the rules , its not important, as when dealing with foreigners there is no need to fear a reprimand from above, when misleading us lot. Banks were always a bit aloof in the UK years ago, Its a bit different nowadays. These people are still living in the past
  10. Its bizarre that so many people have been told different stories by junior members of the bank staff, Almost as if they are joking with us, maybe we should insist on speaking to a senior MALE member of staff many of the older females have a chip on their menopausal shoulder.
  11. there is no limit as to how many accounts a foreigner can have, Its unbelievable that some woman can make such a statement and be unchallenged by other staff, absolutely unbelievable !
  12. of course speaking Thai helps, but its still better to leave "her" outside
  13. So further evidence of inconsistency, About 5 years ago my card was chewed up by an ATM and I managed to get a new card at not my "home" branch despite me using a different passport than the one I was carrying when i opened the account So obviously no real need to return to original branch at all ! They will tell you anything if they don't want to deal with you, it is not necessarily true
  14. so an old guy is sick in Thailand , is this even news ? what are they asking for, they don't seem to be asking for money , I don't see the point in this article /
  15. I have heard from others that Kasikorn is generally a bit more user friendly
  16. There are few benefits to getting married, There may be some regarding pension entitlement after ones death as another member mentioned , conversely you may just be setting yourself up for a nasty divorce., and "just walking away" may be more difficult. Don't forget the definition of marriage " find someone you hate and buy them a house"
  17. That is why I ended my post with " it worked for me on the day " nothing is certain here
  18. As a further "heads up" The Bangkok Bank branch opposite Kap Choeng immigration has now closed! ( it has been taken over by the "farmers bank") for anybody requiring statements etc, the nearest branch is now in "Prasat" approx 30 km away
  19. I know exactly where you're coming from , I've met some dragons over the years, It's usually the women who are awkward , impolite and even downright rude I have normally found the guys to be OK. (Bit like immigration ) I always go in alone , it's better that way
  20. For what its worth, My Bangkok Bank debit card was is to expire at the end of this December but as I probably won't be here then i have been thinking of trying to renew it a bit earlier. Not something I have particularly looking forward to doing and I have been putting it off to be honest. Anyway when I went to the ATM today a large message appeared on the screen advising me that the card was due to expire soon and instructing me to go to ANY Bangkok Bank branch to arrange a replacement before close of play on the 31/12 , so spurred into action I went to my local branch in Surin to sort it out today I was not particularly optimistic I've been a customer of the Bangkok Bank for 25+ years and have had "petty" issues with them several times , mainly due to the fact that my "home" branch is in Khon Kaen, which always causes difficulties, I took a few deep breaths and walked in ( leaving the missus in the car) as then they have to talk to me! ) This time was totally different , very efficient and helpful , and less than 10 minutes and about 10 signatures later I had a new card in my wallet Buoyed by my success I thought I would try for a new passbook , which has always been difficult, and sometimes impossible in the past, unless I returned to Khon Kaen, but this time what do you know ? No problems at all, new passbook issued immediately , couldn't believe it , I asked if there had been a change of policy , explaining that i was normally sent to my "home" branch for a new passbook she said not as far as she knew, but she was only young and probably hadn't been there more than a few years The last time I tried to renew a passbook was about 10 years ago So for anybody wondering , yes it is possible to sort these things out at a different branch , at least it was for me today
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